Last , let us synthesize our large chakras and auric field .
The pain humanity has created has caused pain in my auric field , and upon the land that you know as earth .
Now , anchor your source firmly into the pelvic region , and push it out throughout your auric field .
Planetary changes have already taken place on inner levels within the auric field and the astral belt and surrounding regions .
The auric manipulation and healing techniques that gave rise to therapeutic touch were derived from teachings found in theosophy .
This new energy flow is now occurring in all human , plant , animal , mineral , dolphin and whale auric fields , subtle bodies , chakras and meridian systems , along with the energy that surrounds the consensus reality known as earth as a whole .
Whenever james bond needed a nifty device to snap a surreptitious surveillance picture or escape the gilded clutches of auric goldfinger , he could count on the ingenious minds in the secret service 's q division to devise a solution .