

auricle 耳廓
来自词根aur, 耳朵。-icle, 小词后缀。
auricle 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Larger culm sheath auricle slanted downward along sheath margin , gradually tapering .
- 更大的竿箨叶耳沿着鞘边缘,逐渐渐狭向下倾斜。
- Objective to explore an effective and acceptable method to cure pseudocyst of auricle .
- 目的探讨治疗耳廓假性囊肿既有效又能被病人接受的一种方法。
- Larger culm sheath auricle not slanted downward , not tapering .
- 大竿箨叶耳不倾斜向下,并非渐狭。
- Objective to explore the best way to deal with infection of expanded skin flap during auricle reconstruction .
- 结论皮瓣展平法是耳廓再造时扩张皮瓣感染较理想的处理方法。
- According to chinese medicine , there are many acupuncture points on the auricle .
- 中医讲,耳郭上有好多穴位。
- The auricle frostbite sends out scalelike cell cancer then 1 example .
- 耳廓冻伤继发鳞状细胞癌1例。
- Auricular points are some certain stimulating spots or areas on the auricle .
- 耳穴是指耳廓上一些特定的刺激点或刺激部位。
- Your situation is the external auditory meatus auricle 's question .
- 你的情况是外耳道耳廓的问题。
- A report of 120 cases of pseudocyst of auricle were treated by chinese medicine .
- 中药治疗耳廓假性囊肿120例报告。
- Photo : newborn 3 debut in japan in small auricle fox .
- 组图:3只初生小耳廓狐亮相日本。