
Yuppies 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- What the yuppies , in concert with a man like ueberroth , have to offer is a new energy wedded to the belief that problems are solvable .
- 雅皮士们必须展示出一种崭新的力量,这种力量以这样一种信念为内核:即,一切问题都是可以解决的。
- Yuppies have formed breeding colonies in picturesque prenzlauer berg , displacing the original eastern occupants .
- 雅皮士在风景如画的prenzlauerberg形成自己的据点,取代了原先的东部居民。
- The younger yuppies tend to look at education and the future in terms of the dollar : the " trade school " approach to learning .
- 年轻的雅皮士们把教育和未来用金钱来衡量:把买卖经等同于学习。
- The yuppies are ueberroth 's natural constituency .
- 雅皮士简直是尤伯罗斯天生的追随者。
- Meanwhile lambeth 's population is changing as yuppies and new immigrants arrive .
- 同时,随着雅皮士和新移民的到来,朗伯斯的人口也在改变。
- The ethics and attitudes of the yuppies are central to the new american mood .
- 雅皮士的伦理和态度是新美国精神的核心。