

puffy 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Puts an end to the puffy look and feeling .
- 结束肿胀的感觉和外观。
- If puffy starts yapping , uh-uh , he is a loser .
- 如果小狗狗狂吠不止,哦,对不住了,他是个败类。
- She looks puffy.she doesn 't look puffy , all right .
- 她看起来很胖.她看起来一点也不胖,好吗.
- She sat down gingerly on the puffy mattress .
- 她小心翼翼地坐下来喘气的床垫上。
- My face looks puffy in this photo .
- 我的脸这张照片里显得比较大。
- I could tell he had been crying because his eyes were red and puffy .
- 我可以看出他哭过了,因为他的眼睛又红又肿。
- She was placid and puffy and mature .
- 她娴静、丰满、成熟。
- ' I 'm so afraid of looking puffy , ' she says .
- “我真担心看起来脸显得臃肿,”她说。
- And he made people laugh , comparing his puffy appearance to that of a loach , a fish that loves mud .
- 他把自己发胖的外表比作泥鳅,一种在泥水中生长的鱼,让大家笑了起来。
- Leaves abaxially very densely and thickly stellate tomentose , hairs puffy and long , densely puberulent adaxially .
- 叶背面非常密被和厚被星状绒毛,毛粗和长,正面密被微柔毛。