

Payphone 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Say it or I 'm finding a payphone .
- 说,否则我就找投币电话。
- Okay , I 'm gonna go find a payphone .
- 行,我要去找个投币电话。
- Call whoever you want on your wait out , there 's a payphone at the surface .
- 打给你想呼叫的任何人,地面上有一个投币电话.
- She asked me to call emily at a payphone on the university campus .
- 她让我往学校的一个投币电话打电话。
- A man uses a payphone in the new business district .
- 一个男人在新的商业区打公用电话。
- Pardon me . Is there a payphone here ?
- 对不起,请问这儿有电话吗?
- She used a payphone to call 911 and report the incident .
- 她用公用电话叫了911,报告了这起事故。
- There is a payphone on the southeast corner .
- 东南角有个电话亭。
- Verification regulation of timing and charging device for wireless payphone .
- 无线公用电话计时计费装置检定规程。
- My line was tapped , they heard you tell me that you were at that payphone .
- 我的电话遭窃听他们听到你说你在公共电话旁。