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- In a subsequent paper in the international journal of astrobiology , she and ariel anbar and paul davies , both of arizona state university , predicted the existence of arsenic-loving life forms .
- 在后来发表在《国际天体生物学杂志》上的文章中,她和艾莉尔安巴尔及保罗戴维斯(二人均来自亚利桑那州立大学)推测可能存在喜欢砷的生命形式。
- Officials have tried to compensate by digging wells and bores , especially in the ravaged provinces of the south and in anbar , west of baghdad .
- 当局试图通过打井、钻井来做一些补偿,尤其是在安巴尔、安巴尔南部和巴格达西部的这些毁坏比较严重的城市。
- That appealed to landymore . When he left active duty besides taking college classes he volunteered at the chesapeake bay foundation at a homeless shelter and with a high school mentoring project . Nothing came close to the feeling he 'd had in anbar province in iraq .
- 他离开现役之后,一边参加大学课程一边在切萨皮克湾基金会(chesapeakebayfoundation)、一个流浪汉之家以及一个高中辅导项目中做志愿者,但所有这些都无法带给他与在伊拉克安巴省服役时类似的感觉。
- In anbar mr bush raised the prospect of withdrawing some troops , but only " based on a calm assessment by our military commanders on the conditions on the ground-not a nervous reaction by washington politicians . "
- 在安巴,布什描绘了撤回一些部分的前景,但仅仅“建立在军队指挥官的冷静分析之上,而不是来自华盛顿政客的压力。”
- To get to jordan or syria by car , he 'd have to pay a driver anywhere from $ 250 to $ 600 per passenger ( which is still less than one-way airline tickets ) , and they 'd need to pass through iraq 's deadly anbar province .
- 如果从那里坐车去叙利亚,任何地方的司机向每名乘客的要价都得在250-600美元之间(可这仍然要比坐飞机便宜得多),而驾车还需要穿越伊拉克的死亡之地安巴省。
- He says some troops could go home if security in the anbar province gets better .
- 他表示,如果安巴省的形势转好,部分士兵可以回国。
- U.s. officials say four marines died in two separate attacks on tuesday in anbar province , west of baghdad .
- 美国官员说,四名海军陆战队员星期二巴格达以西的安巴尔省发生的两起不同袭击事件中死亡。
- " Are the organisms actually doing this in mono lake , or do they have the latent ability to do so ? That 's an interesting question to pursue , " said anbar , a co-author of the study .
- “那些生活在莫诺湖中的有机体实际上是否是这样生存的呢,或者它们是否有着这种潜在的能力呢?这是一个值得探究的问题,”该研究的合作者anbar说。
- The military also announced the deaths of three marines and one soldier since saturday while conducting combat operations in the western province of anbar .
- 军方还宣布,星期六以来有三名海军陆战队队员和一名士兵在巴格达西部安巴尔省作战时死亡。
- Coleman spokesman tom steward said the senator is open to an increase in the anbar province , for example .
- 科尔曼发言人汤姆参议员公开表示管家增加的安巴尔省为例。