


unconvinced 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Some companies remain unconvinced .
- 一些公司仍然不相信。
- Plenty of westerners remain unconvinced , too , even by abc 's report and apple 's investigation .
- 仍然有大量的西方人保持怀疑的态度,甚至不相信美国广播公司的报道和苹果的调查。
- Her parents insist she was killed by a dingo , but polls show some australians are unconvinced .
- 小孩的父母坚持说小孩是被当地的野狗吃了,但是民调显示一些澳大利亚人并不相信。
- But most of the " reintegrees " are from the north and isaf intelligence sources are unconvinced that it will have much effect .
- 但大部分的“重返社会者”都来自北部,而isaf的情报人员不相信这会有什么显著效果。
- But analysts outside the country were unconvinced .
- 但外界的分析家并不认同这样的说法。
- I remained unconvinced by what she had said .
- 我对她说的话仍然将信将疑。
- Martin was unconvinced , but let the matter drop .
- 马丁并不那么信服,但也不再提这件事了。
- But the sweeping nature of the announcement left some experts unconvinced .
- 但是这则声明不容质疑的口气却让某些专家半信半疑。
- Many scientists remain unconvinced by the current evidence .
- 许多科学家对现有证据保持质疑。
- Despite its massive price tag , investors are unconvinced by the bail-out strategy for three separate ( and hardly irrational ) reasons .
- 尽管援助计划斥资巨大,由于三个不相关的并且合理的原因,投资者仍对其抱怀疑态度。