

andy 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Sheriff turner warned andy to watch his back because he would always be there .
- 特纳治安官警告安迪要小心,因为他会一直盯着他。
- Some notable pop artists include andy warhol , roy lichtenstein , claes oldenburg and david hockney .
- 安迪沃霍尔、罗伊利希滕斯坦、克拉斯奥尔登堡和大卫霍克尼是著名的波普艺术家。
- I learned very quickly that my behaviour around andy generally reflected exactly what he seemed to be expecting from me .
- 我很快发现我对安迪的行为通常都会准确无误地符合他对我的意料。
- Cartographer andy woodruff documents all the places he goes , resulting in the pretty map above .
- 制图师安迪伍德拉夫记录下他所走过的所有地方,于是就有了上面这幅美丽的地图。
- Andy rothman of clsa is one notable exception . See also the ft 's lex column .
- 法国里昂证券的安迪-罗德曼是一个显著的例外,参见《金融时报》的列辛顿专栏。
- The letter is a spoof , penned by andy borowitz , a comedian .
- 这封信是一位名叫安迪的喜剧演员开的一个玩笑。
- I just wish andy had turned up with an occasional care package to deliver some leveling , sensible comment .
- 我只是希望要是安迪能时不时关心一下莉丝,向她传递一些有平抑心情作用且合理的评论。
- In my first week , I remember sitting quietly on a client call led by andy geller , a senior partner .
- 第一周,我记得自己安静的坐在一个由高级合伙人安迪杰勒负责的客户端旁。
- Old man tribbit had told andy to bring him a few jars before winter set in .
- 老汉特利比特(tribbit)告诉安迪在入冬前给他带几壶来。
- Many roboticists are concerned with maximizing performance independent of energy use while andy ruina is trying to maximize energy use .
- 许多机器人专家都关心使用能源来最大限度的提高性能,而安迪瑞那关心的是最大限度的使用能源。