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- And seeclickfix , a start-up , has come up with a smartphone app that allows users to report such things as broken streetlights or rubbish that needs to be picked up .
- 新兴网站seeclickfix已经推出了一款智能手机应用软件,它使得使用者可以报告诸如损坏的街灯或需要捡拾的垃圾等情况。
- Light-emitting diodes have progressed from simple red indicators on electronic products to become torches , streetlights and car headlights .
- 发光二极管已经不仅仅用来制作简单电子产品上的红色指示灯,在手电、街灯和车头灯中亦有应用。
- Colorado springs has made headlines with its desperate attempt to save money by turning off a third of its streetlights , but similar things are either happening or being contemplated across the nation , from philadelphia to fresno .
- 科罗拉多斯普林斯市已由于为了节省开支孤注掷地关掉三分之一街灯而登上报纸头条,然而放眼全美,从费城到弗雷斯诺(美国加利福尼亚州中部城市)类似的一幕幕要么正在发生要么将要上演。
- Streetlights have long ceased to work .
- 街灯也早荒废掉了。
- It is made up of light from streetlights , office buildings , signs , and other sources .
- 光污染是由街灯、办公大楼、指示牌和其它光源发出的。
- Streetlights have been taken down along pennsylvania avenue , one of washington 's main thoroughfares , for the president 's parade monday .
- 华盛顿主要大街之一宾夕法尼亚大道(pennsylvaniaavenue)两旁的街灯已被取了下来,工作人员在为周一举行的总统就职庆典游行做准备。
- He looked around as the glooming evening spread from shadow to shadow ; streetlights were flickering on at random , doorways and corners beginning to look threatening .
- 他四面看看,这时阴暗的黄昏从阴影蔓延到阴影;街灯胡乱地忽明忽暗,门口和街角开始看起来危险重重。