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- Then in may , johnson was moved aside and former ceo myron ullman was returned to the helm by the board .
- 然后,到了今年5月,约翰逊被踢到了一边,董事会请回前CEO麦隆•乌尔曼重新执掌公司。
- Take j.c. penney ( jcp ) , which brought back mike ullman , who had been ceo before activist investor bill ackman put ron johnson in power .
- 以百货公司J.C.Penney为例,它已经请回了前CEO迈克•乌尔曼;在维权投资者比尔•埃克曼安插罗恩•约翰逊掌权前,乌尔曼就是这家公司的CEO。
- The research has several applications , dr. ullman said .
- 乌尔曼博士说,该研究已用到了几项实际应用中。
- Teachers may combine these two methods into what professor michael ullman calls immersion-style classroom teaching .
- 教师们可能会将这两种学习方法结合,形成michaelullman教授所说的浸泡式课堂教学。
- " Weare keeping in mind that the economy and the consumer environmentremain unpredictable , " said myron ullman iii , ceo of j. c. penney .
- 彭尼的ceo麦隆尤尔曼(myronullman)说:“我们知道经济和消费者环境是不可预测的”。
- Mr. ullman said he noticed that consumers were spending on themselves as opposed to only coming to stores to get gifts for others as in 2009 .
- 厄尔曼说,他注意到,消费者在为自己支出,与2009年人们到百货店只为他人购买礼物的情况不一样。