
airstrips 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The antonov 's rugged engines need no sophisticated ground maintenance staff yet have sufficient lift to fleahop on and off very short airstrips which made it ideal for ferrying arms and mercenaries around during the cold war .
- 安东诺夫牢固的引擎不需要老练的地面维护人员,而且有足够的升力确保飞机在较短的跑道就能起飞,这种飞机在冷战时期很适合投运军队和雇佣兵。
- The oilfields in the south of the country run by international groups have their own airstrips .
- 利比亚南部由国际集团运营的油田有自己的简易机场。
- For example , u. s.soldiers landed on the tiny island of tanna , vanuatu , during wwii to build airstrips for their fight against japan .
- 例如,二战期间,美国士兵曾登陆瓦鲁阿图一个叫塔纳的小岛,在岛上建造机场,方便对日作战。
- Through his efforts , and those of tenzing , hospitals , clinics , bridges , airstrips and nearly 30 schools have been built in the solo khumbu region of nepal just south of everest .
- 通过他和tenzing的努力,医院,诊所,桥梁,飞机跑道和近30个学校都在珠穆朗玛峰南部,尼泊尔khumbu地区建起来了。
- Most small drones are launched without airstrips and are controlled in the field using a small computer .
- 大多数小型无人机都无需跑道助飞,在前线一般利用小型计算机控制其飞行。
- The new aircraft has the ability to operate out of remote airstrips , a useful attribute in desert operations .
- 这种新式飞机不要跑道也能起飞降落,这对于沙漠地区很有用。
- Look what happened to our airstrips around the pas-de-calais !
- 看看我们加莱附近的机场遭受了什么!
- The antonov 's rugged engines need no sophisticated ground maintenance staff , yet have sufficient lift to fleahop on and off very short airstrips , which made it ideal for ferrying arms and mercenaries around during the cold war .
- 安东诺夫牢固的引擎不需要经验老道的地面维护人员,而且有足够的升力确保在较短的跑道上起飞,这种飞机在冷战时期很适合投运军队和雇佣兵。