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- The tsunami destroyed three hospitals in iwate , including takata hospital . Three others sustained serious earthquake damage .
- 海啸摧毁了岩手县包括高田医院在内的三座医院,另有三座医院在地震中严重被毁。
- On march 11 , 12 patients drowned in their beds after a wall of black water shattered the windows of takata hospital 's fourth-floor inpatient ward .
- 3月11日,海啸掀起的黑色巨浪击碎高田医院四楼住院病房的窗户涌入室内,12名病人在床上被淹死。
- In late july , takata hospital 's staff started outpatient services in a new prefab building . But seriously ill residents needing hospitalization still must go elsewhere for care .
- 7月下旬,高田医院的工作人员开始在一座新建的预制楼房里提供门诊服务,但那些病情严重、需要住院治疗的当地居民仍须到别的地方接受救治。
- By april , the takata hospital doctors , assisted by volunteer reinforcements , were seeing hundreds of patients a day , many of them living in the city 's crowded emergency shelters .
- 截至今年4月,高田医院的医生在捐赠补给的协助下,每天给数百名病人提供服务,其中很多病人都住在陆前高田市拥挤的应急避难所里。