MySQL 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- If you 're coming from mysql , things will feel familiar from the get go .
- 如果你学过mysql,那么从一开始一切都会觉得很熟悉。
- In collaboration with a non-blocking mysql driver , serious performance increases could result in certain situations .
- 在无阻塞mysql驱动器的协作下,在某些情况下可能产生很大的性能提升。
- There is particular concern about the fate of mysql , a firm sun bought for $ 1 billion in january 2008 .
- 特别是关于mysql的命运,这是sun于2008年1月花10亿美元买下的公司。
- Mysql uses a lex parser and a yacc grammar to define the structure of a query and then parse it .
- mysql是用了一个词法解析器和yacc语法来定义查询的结构然后对其进行解析。
- Some inexpensive hosting plans set this value too low ( the mysql default is only 1m ) .
- 一些廉价的虚拟主机将此值设置得太低(mysql的默认值仅为1m)。
- Voila , we 've hijacked the mysql replication stream for our own purpose : cache consistency .
- 看看,我们成功地按照我们的目的缓存一致性劫持了mysql同步复制流。
- This is because null go first in order by in mysql and hence are incorrectly considered less than any other value by some people .
- 这是因为在mysql的orderby条件中,null会被排在第一个所以一些人错误的认为null比其他任何值都少。
- In its approval the u.s. authorities cited no concern about mysql , and focused largely on java licensing issues .
- 在审批中,美国当局并没有提出对mysql的担心,而主要关注于java的许可问题。
- With the push of a button you could create your own platform in the cloud and run your php / mysql apps and a few other options .
- 只要按一下按钮你就能够创造自己专属的平台,这个平台搭建在云服务上,运行着你的php或mysql应用和一些别的选择。
- The new query is telling mysql that , in addition to changing my first name to monkey , it also needs to dirty a corresponding memcache key .
- 新的查询会告诉mysql,除了要将我的名字更改为monkey外,它还需要将一个对应的memcache键设脏。