
Siberian 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- They sold everything from woollen shawls to huge cuddly toys to pieces of smoked fish to genuine siberian fur hats .
- 小贩们出售的东西无所不包,从羊毛披巾、巨大的毛绒玩具、烟熏鱼一直到地道的西伯利亚毛皮帽子。
- Russia will have to prove that its shelf continues the siberian continental platform in order to enlarge its territory in the arctic ocean .
- 如果俄罗斯想扩大其在北冰洋的领土,那么它就必须证明其大陆架是西伯利亚大陆的延伸。
- Indeed , she adds , previous studies have noted the link between siberian snow cover and climate in the northern pacific .
- 她还说:的确,先前的研究已经注意到西伯利亚冰雪覆盖跟北太平洋气候之间的关系。
- The speed of russia 's eastward advance that century across a siberian land mass greater than the face of the moon still astounds .
- 俄国人在那个世纪的东扩速度至今仍然令人震惊,他们攫取了超过了月球表面积的整个西伯利亚。
- And scientists have also shown that a siberian volcano may have precipitated the largest extinction on record about 250 million years ago .
- 科学家的研究也显示,一座西伯利亚的火山可能促使了发生在2.5亿年前的记录上最大规模的灭绝。
- Today , he is a prisoner who has lost everything and did not break down in a tough siberian prison camp .
- 而今,他不过是一个一无所有的阶下囚,只是在恶劣的西伯利亚监狱里还未崩溃罢了。
- Russia 's northern sea route , hugging the siberian coast , cuts the normal distance between europe and asia by more than a third .
- 俄罗斯的北海航道,和西伯利亚海湾接壤,使欧洲和亚洲之间的正常距离减少了三分之一以上。
- According to the new scientist , researchers have now found that something similar to the placebo effect occurs in animals , after studying siberian hamsters .
- 根据《新科学家》杂志,研究人员在研究了西伯利亚仓鼠之后,发现在动物身上也有类似安慰剂效应的现象。
- The study involved 16 female siberian hamsters that had their ovaries removed to ensure that ovarian hormones would not interfere with the study 's results .
- 这项实验包括16个西伯利亚的雌田鼠,它们的卵巢需要被切除以免其所释放的荷尔蒙激素影响实验结果。
- Or perhaps you salivate at the prospect of eggs from siberian sturgeon raised in the lap of luxury on a french aquafarm .
- 也有可能,你会想到某个法国水产养殖场里那些养尊处优的西伯利亚鲟鱼,为它们的鱼卵垂涎三尺。