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- Mr. tavella is a researcher at the federal polytechnic school in lausanne , switzerland .
- 特维拉是瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院的一名研究员。
- Swiss news agency ats reported that a funeral service for dr. comber will take place on thursday in lausanne .
- 据瑞士新闻机构ats报道,韩素音的葬礼将于本周四在洛桑举行。
- He says systems like those being developed in lausanne and other places may be available in less than ten years .
- 他表示,洛桑或其他地方开发的类似系统可能会在十年内投入使用。
- I cheated in geneva , avoiding a pricey hotel by staying with relatives in nearby lausanne .
- 我在日内瓦用了一个妙招,没有住高价酒店,而是住在洛桑(lausanne)附近的亲戚家。
- I decided to visit lausanne , to get a feel for the campus , even though I could have taken my interviews in asia .
- 尽管我可以在亚洲参加面试,但我还是决定先参观一下洛桑,感受一下校园气氛。
- A cosplay enthusiast poses at the polymanga show in lausanne , switzerland , april 7 , 2012 .
- 2012年4月7日瑞士洛桑展会上一位真人秀爱好者摆出姿势。
- The controversial paper was written by geoscientists gerta keller of princeton university and thierry addate of the university of lausanne , in switzerland .
- 这篇有争议的论文是由普林斯顿大学的gertakeller和瑞士洛桑大学的thierryaddate一起完成。
- Physical chemist michael grtzel at the federal polytechnic school of lausanne in switzerland says that the results " are fundamental work that shows that nanotubes might get you a better conversion efficiency than prior approaches " .
- 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学校的物理化学家michaelgrtzel称这个结果是基础性的研究,它表明纳米管通过变化试验方法可以具有更高的转化效率。
- Or , if you 're up to the challenge , join the thousands of runners expected for the lausanne marathon on october 30 , which follows the shore road between lake geneva and the terraced hillsides .
- 你若敢于挑战的话,还可以来参加10月30日的千人洛桑马拉松,其路线是沿内瓦湖滨至梯田山坡。
- Jan van der meer at the university of lausanne in switzerland is taking the idea of using bioluminescent bacteria as pollution monitors a step further , by tinkering with their genetics .
- 瑞士洛桑大学的凡德尔米尔(janvandermeer)认为通过用荧光细菌来监测污染的手段可以通过基因工程而更完善。