
nanoscale 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Ibm seeks better ways to assemble microchip components at the nanoscale without the need to replace existing chip-making technology .
- ibm在寻找更好的方法在纳米尺度下组装微芯片元件而不用更换现有的芯片制造技术。
- Effects of humic acid and metal ions on nitrate reduction by both nanoscale and microscale zero-valent metals .
- 腐植酸与金属离子对奈米级与微米级零价金属处理水中硝酸盐之影响。
- Predictions of annealing of hydrogen-bond structure for ice crystal in nanoscale by molecular dynamics method .
- 利用分子动力学法预测奈米冰晶分子之氢键结构。
- The development of double-layer transfer film for nanoscale laser capture microdissection .
- 显微雷射摘取用双材质转移膜的开发。
- As they describe in nanoscale research letters , they have invented a way of concentrating the energy in the sun 's rays without the need for mirrors .
- 他们在《纳米研究快讯》(nanoscaleresearchletters)上描述了他们发明的一种不用镜子聚集日光中能量的方法。
- Future generations of nanotechnology will use sophisticated nanoscale machinery to construct powerful products with molecular precision .
- 未来的纳米技术将利用复杂的纳米尺度的机械来构建强大的具有分子精度的产品。
- The materials are structured at the nanoscale in a way that enables them to charge and discharge quickly .
- 这些材料在纳米尺度下得到结构重组,这样就更很快的充电和放电。
- Existing ways of printing devices at the nanoscale tend to be complex and expensive , and more appropriate for making silicon chips .
- 以纳米技术领域的打印设备的现有方式来制作硅片往往是复杂与昂贵的,而且更为合适。
- Its mission : to sponsor workshops and studies to define nanoscale science and technology and forecast possible developments .
- 它的任务是:赞助研讨会和研究,以界定纳米科学技术和预测其发展前景。
- Now , thanks in part to continuing innovations in nanoscale fabrication , manufacturers are bringing an expanding array of products to market .
- 现在,部分得益于纳米尺寸制造领域不断地创新,制造商们正向市场提供越来越多的产品。