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- The oversized body model could be particularly exaggerated in women who are anxious that parts of their bodies , such as their thighs or stomach , are too big , dr longo said .
- 偏大的身体模型在焦虑的女人中尤其会被夸大,她们会认为诸如大腿或者胃部这些身体部位都太胖了,隆戈博士说。
- When it comes to treating cancer , valter longo , director of the longevity institute at the university of southern california , thinks that short-term complete fasts maximise the benefits .
- 在治疗癌症方面,南加州大学的长寿研究所主任瓦尔特.朗戈认为,短期的完全禁食效果最为显著。
- However , using special probabilistic methods , longo managed to fix the error and obtain the results similar to the previous ones .
- 然而,在使用特殊的概率方法以后,隆戈得以更正这一错误并获得了与之前类似的结果。
- On the fact that the prime minister would be tried by female judges , longo added : " great , ladies are welcome and sometimes even pleasing . "
- 在,总理将由女法官审判事实上,隆戈说:“太好了,女士们欢迎-有时甚至令人高兴。”
- Shenzhen longo technology co. , limited registered information .
- 深圳兰谷科技有限公司注册信息。
- However , most likely , the universe is still spinning , as suggested by longo 's research .
- 然而,更有可能的是,宇宙还在旋转,就如隆戈的研究所显示的。
- " Our results show dramatic distortions of hand shape , which were highly consistent across participants , " longo said in a prepared statement .
- “我们的结果显示了手的形状有着戏剧性的失真,这在参与者中高度一致,”longo有准备地声称。
- Longo says his study suggests that a whole group of people might be able to lower their risk of cancer and diabetes if they could lower their levels of growth hormone , or change the body 's response to it .
- 朗格的研究表明,对某些人来说,可以通过降低生长激素水平,或改变身体对其反应,来较少患癌症和糖尿病的危险。
- To date , longo 's group studied only the galaxies located in the northern hemisphere of the sky as the telescope project sdss is located in new mexico .
- 目前,隆戈的小组仅仅研究了位于北面天空的星系,由于sdss项目位于新墨西哥。
- The brain 's warped " model " of the hand could be extrapolated to the rest of the body , especially those which have " high tactile sensitivity " , dr longo said .
- 大脑关于手掌扭曲的“模型”能够类推到身体的其他部位,尤其是那些具有“高触觉灵敏性”的身体部位,隆戈博士说。