


privet 女贞
Privet 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Privet drive is part of a co-ordinated development of quite opulent detached houses consisting of at least six streets .
- 女贞路是一组至少有六条小街组成的、相当豪华的独立房屋群里的一部分。
- Harry is waiting in privet drive .
- 哈利在女贞街等待。
- I do not like privet drive .
- 我不喜欢女贞路。
- A high privet hedge blocked the view from the ground-floor windows .
- 从一楼窗户往外看,高大的水蜡树篱挡住了视线。
- He came to an abrupt halt at the end of privet drive .
- 他在女贞路的路口突然停住了脚步。
- Privet drive is in surrey , which is south of london .
- 而女贞路在伦敦以南的萨里郡。
- All he did say was that dumbledore was going to be in some place called privet drive at some point that day .
- 他所说的只是邓布利多在那天因为某个原因要去一个叫女贞路的地方。
- How safe is privet drive ?
- 女贞路有多安全?
- So , what is the house , no4 privet drive , actually like ?
- 那么,这个房子,女贞路4号,究竟是什么样子的?
- Many a puzzled neighbour saw their privet hedges trimmed in the dead of night so I could get fodder for my caterpillars .
- 很多不知就里的邻居会发现他们的女贞树篱在夜深人静时被人剪了,那是因为我要给我的毛虫找吃的。