
v.概括,归纳,推论( generalize的现在分词 );推广,普及
generalizing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Doctrines of learning is a monograph summarizing and generalizing the educational ideology and practices prior to chin dynasty in china , its wisdom is still instructively meaningful in reality till today .
- 《学记》是一篇概括和总结我国先秦时期教育思想和教育实践的专著,其中蕴含的智慧,时至今日仍具有现实指导意义。
- Scientific reasoning of 3 - to 6-year-olds : generalizing rule , generating evidence and testing .
- 三~六岁幼儿的科学性推理:法则的归纳、证据的推衍、问题的验证。
- Begins with activity , moves through reflection , then to generalizing and abstracting and finally to transfer .
- 活动开始,经过观察反思,然后归纳和抽象,并最终迁移。
- By means of comparing , analyzing and generalizing the functions and needs of a water environment information systen , the commonness of the system function may be found .
- 对当前水环境信息系统的功能进行了比较和归纳,对其业务需求进行了抽象概括,找出其功能上的共性。
- Firstly , analyzing agricultural economy organizations among the plan economy and reform to open period , then generalizing the continuously innovational reason that capital , organization and system principle assumption and relation assumption .
- 首先对计划经济和改革开放时期农业经济组织变迁进行动态分析,进而总结归纳出我国农业产业经济组织不断创新的动因即资本、组织和制度变迁原理假设与关系假设。
- I just think that you 're just generalizing !
- 我认为你只是把它普遍化!
- Such generalizing statements are tentative at best .
- 这种一般化的陈述充其量不过是一种尝试。
- A new method of generalizing the crm thought .
- crm理念推广的新方法。
- Beyond market baskets : generalizing association rules to correlations .
- 购物篮之外:泛论交互关联的关联规则。
- Abstract : this paper introduces the developing conditions of big dip angle belt conveyor in our country , generalizing the five kinds of main type and their principal uses of big dip angle belt conveyor .
- 文摘:介招国内外大倾角带式输送机的研制状况,概述大倾角输送机的5种主要类型及其用途。