cp 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Cp group has said that its funding arrangements for the deal were legal .
- 正大集团表示,其在这笔交易上的资金安排合法。
- Researchers at seven different centers in the united states and canada looked at how psychological factors and physical symptoms affect the quality of life in men cp / cpss .
- 在7个不同的中心,在美国和加拿大的研究人员看着心理因素和身体症状,影响生活质量的男人cp/cpss。
- While some analysts expressed surprise at cp 's move into financial services , the company had positioned itself for such a move .
- 尽管一些分析师对于正大进军金融服务业感到意外,但该公司对这一步已早有准备。
- Patients with cp or ic are now being recruited for a new research study called the " mapp network epidemiology and phenotyping study " !
- 脑瘫或ic患者目前正在招募新的研究,被称为“网络流行病学和表型相容剂含量研究”!
- And if the oscillations of neutrinos and anti-neutrinos are different , it would be an example of what physicists call cp violation .
- 然而如果中微子振荡与反中微子是不同的,那么这将是物理学家们称之为cp破坏的一个例子。
- Did intelligence give you any information on the cp ?
- 指挥所有情报单位,有没有给你任何讯息?
- Monitor process follow cp requirement .
- 监控生产过程符合控制计划要求。
- I want all prisoners back at battalion cp alive .
- 我要所有的战俘都活着到营部。
- I want tight security around the company cp , lieutenant shames , that understood ?
- 我要连指挥部四周严密戒护,宣姆士中尉,了解吗?
- He is good at cp and english . We usually chat with english to improve my oral english .
- 他精通电脑和英语。我们经常用英语交流以提高我的口语。