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- According to a times profile in 1999 , sassoon went to work at age 14 .
- 根据洛杉矶时报1999年的一篇人物特写,沙宣14岁就已开始工作。
- Lord sassoon , a government minister , has said that the corporation tax levied from banks in the present fiscal year is expected to amount to 4 billion .
- 一个政府部长lordsassoon,说本财年银行缴纳的企业税预计可达40亿英镑。
- Every day , he would make the five-hour round trip to visit fishermen living on the arabian sea on the north of the city to see if they had caught any of the prawns and large fish that he sells to exporters at south mumbai 's sassoon dock .
- 每天,他都会去孟买以北阿拉伯海边的渔民那里跑一趟,看看他们有没有捕到对虾或大鱼,好卖给孟买南部沙逊码头(sassoondock)的出口商。
- He admired hugely the poet-officers of the first world war , siegfried sassoon , wilfred owen and robert graves , " true testifiers " who could deftly squash the old patriotic lies .
- 他非常尊敬第一次世界大战的诗人士官siegfriedsassoon、威尔弗雷德欧文和罗伯特格雷夫斯,他们可以敏捷地压制腐朽的爱国谎言。
- The hotel 's pedigree is impeccable : brainchild and plaything of victor sassoon , the british-iraqi trader of opium , guns and shanghai property , it opened as the cathay hotel in 1929 and was the most luxurious hotel in asia .
- 这座饭店的血统堪称完美:它是英裔伊拉克鸦片、枪支和上海房地产交易商维克多沙逊(victorsassoon)的智慧结晶和玩物,1929年开张,取名华懋饭店(cathayhotel),是当时亚洲最豪华的酒店。
- July , businessman sir victor sassoon relocates to shanghai from bombay .
- 月,富商威克多沙逊爵士从孟买迁居上海。
- The sassoon mechanic 's institute was renamed the david sassoon library and reading room after its primary donor .
- 于是沙逊机械学院改名为大卫沙逊图书馆与阅览室,大卫沙逊是它的主要捐赠者。
- Completed in 1870 , the david sassoon library is one of only 145 monuments protected by india 's government , and the oldest library in mumbai .
- 大卫沙逊图书馆1870年建成,是受印度政府保护的为数不多的145个历史遗迹之一,还是孟买最老的图书馆。
- Sassoon international ( hong kong ) professional qualification integer studies center limited .
- 沙宣国际(香港)专业资格整体造型研修中心有限公司。
- Where 'd you leave that vidal sassoon ?
- 你离开维达沙宣了?