


Qatar 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Qatar 's prime minister sharply criticised lavrov 's remarks .
- 但卡塔尔总理却尖锐地否定了拉夫罗夫的话。
- Tiny qatar 's population trebled between 2000 and 2010 .
- 小小的卡塔尔在2000年至2010年间人口增长了三倍。
- In qatar mr bashir could have pause for thought .
- 在卡塔尔,巴希尔总统可能也无需顾虑。
- In qatar six women are enrolled in tertiary education for every man .
- 在卡塔尔受高等教育的女性是男性的六倍。
- But even qatar 's oil and gas will one day run out .
- 但是即使是卡塔尔的石油也有耗尽的一天。
- Turkey and qatar have hosted gatherings to forge opposition fronts .
- 土耳其与卡塔尔都召开了会议,促反对派整合力量。
- France was confident that four aircraft from qatar would soon participate .
- 法国确信,卡塔尔的4架飞机将很快加入战斗。
- Until the 1980s qatar was little more than a sandy backwater .
- 直到20世纪80年代卡塔尔只是沙漠里一个小小的闭塞国家。
- Now qatar is bidding to host the football world cup in 2022 .
- 如今,卡塔尔正在申办2022年的世界杯足球赛。
- Qatar and brunei would not be there without oil and gas .
- 没有石油和天然气,卡塔尔和文莱就不会列入榜单。