
Purloined 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Elsewhere , incoming opposition administrations have also found equipment and offices purloined .
- 在其它地方,上任的反对派管理者也发现设备和办公室被盗。
- Jacobs says company representatives have spotted purloined patterns in many stores .
- 雅各布表示,企业代表们在许多商店窃取设计样式。
- There may not be web sites devoted to purloined pictures - there are such sites for music or videos - but many people have a cavalier attitude toward using cameras to obtain copyrighted material .
- 也许网上没有专门提供盗版图片的网站,但提供盗版音乐和盗版视频的网站还是有的,这间接反映出人们对用相机拍摄受版权保护的材料还是抱着一副随便的态度。
- Strange that in a country that officially spends more money on internal security measures , censorship and control of the internet than on its military , beijing has not been able to shut a few sites that sell purloined music and videos .
- 一个在国内安全措施、审查和互联网管制方面花的钱比军费还多的国家,居然没有能力打掉区区一些贩卖盗版音像产品的网站,真是咄咄怪事。