
sticklers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Some people assume that stateless multinationals inevitably compete away standards in a race to the bottom . It is true that multinationals tend to shop around for taxes , but in other ways they are usually sticklers for good behaviour .
- 有些人预测无国界的跨国公司必将在淘汰赛中坚持到底:跨国公司确实有在全球范围内寻找避税宝地的趋势,但是在其他方面它还是良好行为的坚决拥护者。
- But , of course , not everyone does and even sticklers for that protocol cannot know ahead of time what additional issues are going to come up in scene , and so they too sometimes find themselves surprised .
- 但是当然不是每个人都这样做-即使是最守规矩的人也不能提前知道过程中会出现什么新的问题,所以有时他们也会遇到让自己惊讶的事情。
- Polish prosecutors are sticklers too : they briefly arrested akhmed zakayev , a chechen leader who has political asylum in britain , at the behest of the russian authorities .
- 波兰检方也严守法令:他们接受俄罗斯警方指令,波兰政府迅速逮捕了车臣首领艾哈迈德?扎卡耶夫,他以政治犯身份在英国避难。
- Some of us are also the kind of sticklers who point out science and technology mistakes in tv shows and movies , much to the chagrin of the people listening .
- 我们中也有那种坚持细节的人,他们会一丝不苟的指出电视节目和电影中科学和技术上的错误。
- The company takes pains to give shock top a craft sensibility , though sticklers would say that its corporate pedigree disqualifies it as a true craft beer .
- 这家酿酒业巨头煞费苦心地给予ShockTop一种精酿啤酒特有的感觉,但喜欢较真的人会说,百威英博的公司谱系决定了它酿制不出口味纯正的精酿啤酒。
- After all , many share restrictions are removed once no longer on a company 's payroll – and few companies want to be known as rofr sticklers ( makes it hard to recruit new talent ) .
- 毕竟,一旦辞职,很多股票限售规定都会失效——而且,也很少有公司希望被外界视为优先购股权恪守者(这会让其难以招到新的人才)。
- On average , he has found , two out of five references are policy sticklers -- " so even if two won 't make an exception and answer your questions , you 'll still have three who do . "
- 他发现,五位推荐人中,平均有两人会恪守成规,“所以,即便有两个人不肯破例回答你的问题,还会有三个人愿意这么做。”
- A hippy linguist railing against sticklers and their " proper grammar " ?
- 这是一个反对注重细节的嬉皮士语言学家和他们的“正确语法”?
- As they are sticklers for detail they are also well organized and you will seldom find a virgo who does not make lists .
- 虽然他们执着于细节,但这并不影响他们的组织能力,而且你很少发现一个处女座没有工作计划。
- I know the sticklers will tell you that taking one exercise class won 't help or spending one hour with your camera , but I disagree .
- 我知道会告诉你,同时拘泥于一类演习不会帮你还是花一个小时镜头但我不同意.