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- I ended up buying the freedom of two girls , srey neth for $ 150 and srey mom for $ 203 .
- 我最后为两位女孩子买来了自由,sreyneth美金150块,sreymom美金203块。
- I could see how a girl with gumption like srey neth , unschooled and na ve , could yearn to get away .
- 我能够看出一位像sreyneth这样有进取心、没上几天学又天真的女孩子,是多么渴望离开。
- Then srey neth and I fled before the brothel 's owner was even out of bed .
- 然后sreyneth和我赶紧溜了,妓院老板甚至还在床上呢。
- The brothel sold her to men for just $ 2.50 , compared with the $ 10 commanded by the lighter-skinned srey neth .
- 妓院把她卖给男人一次只收2.5美金,相比之下,肤色较亮的sreyneth就要10美金一次。
- Then , for $ 750 , srey neth spent a week with the casino manager . He did not use a condom .
- 然后为了750美金,sreyneth与这位赌场经理待了一星期,从没用过安全套。
- So mam di told the family that she would get srey neth a job selling fruit and then took her to a brothel , which sold her virginity to a casino manager .
- 于是迪妈告诉sreyneth的家里人她要给sreyneth弄到份卖水果的工作,把她带进一家妓院,这家妓院把她的童贞卖给了一位赌场经理。
- We had discussed business possibilities on the long drive , and I left srey neth 's family with $ 100 so she could build and operate a small grocery shop on the village street outside her home .
- 我们在长长的旅途中曾讨论过做生意的可能性,我留给sreyneth的家庭100美金,好让她能在家外村子的路边开家杂货铺。
- After I had purchased the freedom of srey mom and srey neth , the two teenage prostitutes whose story I 've told in my last three columns , we took srey neth back to her family .
- 在我买下sreymom和sreyneth(这两位十几岁的妓女的故事我已在前面三篇专栏文章中讲述过)的自由后,我们把sreyneth带回了她家。
- A doctor examined srey neth to confirm to the casino manager that she was not infected by the aids virus and that she was a genuine virgin .
- 一名医生给她做了检查,向赌场经理确认她没有感染艾滋病毒,而且是货真价实的处女。
- But the first purchase , of srey neth , went smoothly .
- 不过第一次很平稳地就把sreyneth买下来了。