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- The photoelectric effect was not discovered until 1839 , when alexandre becquerel , a french physicist , observed that light could generate an electric current between two metal electrodes immersed in a conductive liquid .
- 光电效应一直到1839年才被发现:法国物理学家亚力山大贝克勒尔(alexandrebecquerel)观察到光可以在两片浸在电解液中的金属电极之间产生电流。
- Even the music , by alexandre desplat , manages to be boring .
- 即使是由亚历山大迪斯普拉特制作的音乐也很无趣。
- Milan join inter in the top tier of seeds at tomorrow 's draw , but despite alexandre pato 's emergence and the arrival of klaas-jan huntelaar they may not carry all that much of a threat .
- 米兰和国米在明天的抽签中同属第一档种子队,但仅仅依靠亚历山大帕托的优异表现和克拉斯扬亨特拉尔的加盟还不足以让他们带来太大的威胁。
- Ac milan attacker alexandre pato is brimming with confidence ahead of his side 's serie a match away against napoli on sunday and targets victory at stadio san paolo .
- ac米兰前锋亚历山大帕托对于即将到来的星期天在圣保罗球场与那不勒斯的对决充满了信心,目标是胜利。
- Most recently , alexandre de juniac , a chief of staff to christine lagarde when she was finance minister , took charge at air france in spite of having no operating experience of the airline business .
- 最近,曾在拉杰德任财长时担任其幕僚长的亚历山大德朱尼亚克,在毫无航空业管理经验的情况下掌管起了法航。
- Shawn green , alexandre pouget and daphne bavelier , from the university of rochester , in new york state , set out to find an answer .
- 纽约州罗切斯特大学的肖恩格林、亚力山大普杰和达芙妮巴夫利尔试图找到答案。
- " You can do a buy-out in the united states of a global brand , a well-known company , and really face no competition , " says alexandre behring of 3g .
- 3g的alexandrebehring说道:“你可以在美国收购一家国际品牌,一个知名的公司,几乎没有竞争对手。”
- Alexandre zeller , chief executive of hsbc 's swiss private bank , apologized thursday for the breach of client confidentiality and pledged to spend more than 100 million swiss francs ( $ 107 million ) to upgrade security .
- 汇丰控股瑞士私人银行的首席执行长策勒尔(alexandrezeller)周四就违背了为客户保密的原则表示道歉,并保证将出资超过1亿瑞士法郎(合1.07亿美元)进行安全性升级。
- When alexandre mouradian , a top london trader at the french-owned tradition securities & futures , took his employer to court for allegedly failing to pay his full bonus , he provided a peek into the opaque world of investment banking pay .
- 当法国traditionsecurities&futures公司驻伦敦头牌交易员亚历山大穆拉迪安(alexandremouradian)将自己的雇主告上法庭,指称公司没有向其支付全额奖金时,我们得以一窥不透明的投资银行薪酬内幕。
- In this job he seems to have been following a predetermined plan to raise cash in the first two years of his mandate so as to spend it on public works in the second two , says alexandre marinis of mosaico , a political consultancy .
- 在州长任内,他似乎一直遵循预先决定的计划,在任期的前两年筹措经费,以便在接下来两年内花费在公共工程方面,mosaico政治咨商公司的alexandremarinis表示。