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" That 's plenty , " says newcomb , who notes that he 's seen fcpa prosecutions for a bribe as small as $ 400 .
" The point is , " newcomb says , " that the statute is not a general foreign bribery statute , " but is aimed , rather , at the problem of " american companies buying business overseas . "
The books-and-records section was aimed at forbidding " slush funds , " newcomb says , because , " bribes are usually paid with cash siphoned off the books illegally . "
Fortune contacted dan newcomb , who founded the anti-corruption practice at shearman & sterling , and daniel slifkin , a securities litigation partner at cravath , swaine & moore , to obtain a second - and third-opinion on the applicability of the fcpa to the conduct that is now under scrutiny .
Already this year she has hired two new vice presidents from the private equity world : t.r. newcomb ( ex-general atlantic ) and ian weingarten ( ex-gores group / apollo management ) .
Here there appears to be no easy out for news corp. if its employees are , in fact , found to have been bribing police officers , according to both newcomb and slifkin .
Newcomb adds that there is precedent for prosecutors aggressively using the books-and-records provisions of the fcpa when it would have been difficult or impossible for them to prosecute a bribe under the law 's anti-corruption provisions .
Back in northern virginia hana newcomb scans her 7 acres .
Like newcomb and her " ecoganic " crops , many create terminology .
Unless a " right of set-off " is explicitly included in the contract , interest payment is a one-way street from the borrower to the government , according to lucy newcomb , a partner at addleshaw goddard , a law firm .