Wim jongen warns that consumers will have to be better protected against products that " give the impression they have a health claim but they have not substantiated it " .
But the type of science that is underpinning the health claims is costly , says professor wim jongen of the wageningen business generator . " To get a return on investment companies will need proprietary positions and this makes patents more and more important in the food industry , " he confirms .
Bella director wim leemans says that the project 's first experiments will seek to accelerate beams of electrons to energies of 10 billion electron-volts ( or 10 gev ) by firing the laser through a plasma-based apparatus about one meter long .
" A lot of lambs are stillborn or have serious malformations , " wim van der poel of the dutch central veterinary institute in lelystad says . " This is a serious threat to animal health in europe . "