Meeker 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In 2000-2003 tech spending was flat or negative , however meeker 's presentation included some rays of hope for entrepreneurs .
- 2000年到2003年的支出基本持平或略有下降,然而在米克尔的演讲中也提出了一些企业家们所拥有的希望。
- Mr meeker is anxious not to " sell the factory " .
- 米克先生并不急于“卖厂”。
- " The idea is not to have games where four cuarteteras are playing four cuarteteras , " insists mr meeker .
- 米克先生坚称,“这一想法并不是让四匹cuarteteras与四匹cuarteteras同场竞技。”
- This led to a performance that the panel liked less than the one under the meeker conductor , who exercised little influence over his players .
- 裁判组认为,出现这种情况后的表演不如在较温和的指挥带领下的表演,他没有对手下的琴手施加多少影响。
- Meeker , you 're fired !
- meeker你被解雇了!
- Past research has shown that women oozing with self-confidence , assertiveness and other characteristics linked with successful management can be sidelined at work in favour of meeker types .
- 以往的研究显示,充满自信的、有主见的、具有成功领导者品质的女性往往在那些喜欢温顺女性的工作中遭受排挤。
- Ms. meeker , who plays several of zynga 's games , says she devotes about an hour a day to them and spends $ 20 to $ 40 on virtual goods every week .
- 米克尔玩过几个zynga的游戏,据她所说,每天会花大约1小时玩这些游戏,每周会花20到40美元购买虚拟商品。
- However meeker also noted in her last slide that : " history proves that ads follow eyeballs , it just takes time " .
- 然而米克尔也指出:“历史证明广告是跟着眼球走的,需要的只是时间。”
- Kleiner perkins caufield & byers venture capitalist mary meeker all-but-said as much when she presented her annual internet trendsreportlast week .
- KPCB投资公司(KleinerPerkinsCaufield&Byers)的风险投资家玛丽•米克尔于上周发布了一份互联网发展趋势年度报告,几乎通篇都在表达这个观点。
- Matt meeker , founder and ceo of barkbox , says , " it 's hard to make a big successful business out of the monthly subscriptions model , so we see it more as a way of accumulating customers that will then lead into other business opportunities . "
- BarkBox创始人兼CEO马特•米克说:“很难从每月订付模式中获得巨大的成功,所以我们更加趋向于把这个模式看作是积累客户的一个方式,而客户将把我们引向其他商业机会。”