

v.缠结在一起( intertwine的过去式和过去分词 )
intertwined 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mind and body are intertwined .
- 思绪和身体是相互交织在一起的。
- These issues are all intertwined .
- 这些问题都相互交织。
- Two sensitive themes are intertwined .
- 有两个敏感的主题相互交织。
- It was in coffee-houses that commerce and new technology first became intertwined .
- 就是在咖啡馆里,商业和科技第一次紧密的交织在一起。
- But the work of gangs , spies and soldiers is increasingly intertwined .
- 但是犯罪团伙、间谍和士兵的工作正日益密不可分。
- Framing it as assistance to u.s. companies might not be too hard because industry is becoming intertwined .
- 给美国公司设计一些项目作为辅助可能不会太困难,因为行业之间相互联系。
- The hungarian-born mathematical genius knew that weapons and computers were closely intertwined .
- 这位生于匈牙利的数学天才知道,武器与计算机紧密相关。
- Is the film therefore defending itself against the way its lives are intertwined ?
- 电影从此就要为自己辩驳、反驳人们的生活是怎样交错在一起的吗?
- Like it or not , the economic fates of both countries remain closely intertwined .
- 不管你喜不喜欢,两个国家的经济命运仍保持紧密相连。
- But this side of the business was intertwined with property , imports and mountains of cash .
- 但在另一方面,他的业务却同房地产,进口商品,数目巨大的现金盘根错节。