
n.<美>洲与洲间的,洲际的( interstate的名词复数 )
interstates 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The two interstates only add up to 320 miles .
- 两条州际公路长320英里。
- Im not ready to plow up all the interstates and replace them with cow paths , but this approach does ring true .
- 我不会铲掉所有的洲际公路,然后铺上牛道,但这个想法是有道理的。
- In general , we like our social security and our interstates ; we don 't like our taxes or the subsidies that go to someone else .
- 一般来说,我们喜欢我们的社会保障和我们的州际公路,我们不喜欢我们的税收或补贴到别人。
- Contains highways , parkways , railroad tracks , interstates and road signs for designing transportation systems .
- 包括用于运输系统设计的高速公路、园道、铁路轨道、跨省公路和道路标志。
- One helpful way is to think of the national information infrastructure as a network of highways , much like the interstates of the 1950s .
- 一种有用的方法是把国家信息基础设施想像为50年代州际高速公路网络。
- Built-in basemap includes lakes , rivers , cities , interstates , national & state highways , railroads & coastlines .
- 内置的基础地图包括湖泊,河流,城市,州际公路,国家与国家公路,铁路及海岸线。
- Although mr mcdonnell declared that the revenue would be used to improve i-95 , his secretary of transport noted that if the request were approved , " that will free up the money that we are currently spending on 95 for maintenance and operation on other interstates . "
- 尽管mcdonnell先生宣称所获得的收入将用于改善95号州际公路,但是他的运输部部长则暗示,如果请求获得批准,“便能将当前用于95号州际公路上的钱分出一部分到其它州际公路的养护和管理上。”
- San diego has many billboards out on the interstates .
- 圣地亚哥有许多广告牌上了州际公路。
- Easy access to georgia international convention center , downtown atlanta , all major interstates , attractions and dining .
- 轻松访问格鲁吉亚国际会议中心,亚特兰大市区,所有主要的州际,景点,餐饮。
- But the federal highway administration rejected this proposal in april , citing a federal rule that toll revenue generated on interstates may be used only to improve or maintain the road with the toll .
- 但是4月份联邦公路管理局否决了这一提议,凭据是一项联邦法令,后者规定州际公路产生的通行费只能用于所征收公路的修缮或养护。