
interspersed 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Market in a pair of contradictions : ultra loose monetary policy in the early to good macroeconomic and beyond will be phased out , interspersed with events such as the european sovereign debt crisis , gao chengmen shaken on market sentiment .
- 市场在一对主要矛盾:宏观经济向好与前期超宽松的货币政策将逐步退出之外,还穿插着欧洲主权债务危机、高盛门等事件对市场人气的动摇。
- Race also interspersed the drama performances and aids-related knowledge in an interactive quiz .
- 比赛过程中还穿插了话剧表演和艾滋病有关知识互动问答。
- Retro is longing for perfect arts , style is the romantics interspersed occasionally .
- 复古,是对完美艺术的向往,格调,是偶尔穿插的浪漫。
- He interspersed the text with explanatory diagrams .
- 他给本文配置了解说用的图表。
- Interspersed among all these tales of glittering 20th-century musical figures are scenes from bach 's own personal and professional life .
- 巴赫的个人生活和事业生涯就散布在这诸多20世纪优秀音乐人的故事中。
- Long practice sessions go more smoothly if interspersed with regular short breaks .
- 有间歇的规律休息,长时间练习会进行得更顺利。
- Lectures will be interspersed with practical demonstrations .
- 讲课中将不时插入实际示范。
- It contains millions of them , beautifully preserved in layers of limestone that are interspersed with volcanic ash .
- 它埋藏了数百万的各类化石,完美的保存在夹杂火山灰的石灰岩层中。
- Application of mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units in typing mycobacterium tuberculosis in shandong .
- 山东省局部地区结核分枝杆菌散在分布重复单位基因分型技术的应用。
- I see , of course , myself interspersed with the rest , viewed now as I have never seen myself before .
- 当然,我看见了我自己,置身于安息的人之中,注视着此刻,就像我以前从来没有审视过自己一般。