
v.阻碍( intervene的第三人称单数 );出面;插嘴;介于…之间
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- The dream of a " global nato " , that recruits partners from all over the world and intervenes wherever trouble rears its head , flowered a few years ago , but has since wilted .
- 一个“全球北约”的梦想吸收来自全世界的伙伴,干涉任何麻烦抬头的地方,几年前北约曾如日中天,但从那以后便日薄西山。
- Federal austerity remains a threat : congress is once again locked in confrontation over a payroll-tax break that expires at the end of this month , and a raft of other tax increases and spending cuts willkick innext year unless it intervenes .
- 同时联邦的紧缩方案仍是个威胁:国会再一次陷入了关于这个月底就会到期的薪金税减免问题的争执,而且如果国会不加以干涉,明年一系列其它税收增长和开支削减会自动生效。
- Second , the court intervenes only when the home country fails to .
- 其次,只有当本国采取相关行动时,法院才会介入。
- But no matter how much a parent intervenes , siblings have a unique power over each other .
- 不过无论家长们多么努力介入,兄弟姐妹之间总存在着一种相互影响的独特力量。
- It intervenes in africa so much only because african countries have been unable or unwilling to handle complex and costly trials themselves .
- 它最终需要介入,仅仅是因为一些非洲国家自己无法或不愿意处理那些复杂与花费昂贵的案件。
- There 's a second regulatory factor , however , which intervenes as well .
- 当然,还有第二个因素,就是有效的政府监管。
- Scientists are working on a mobile phone that notices when you 're depressed and intervenes with suggestions such as reaching out to friends .
- 科学家们正在研究一款智能手机,当你抑郁时,手机可以检测到这种情绪并进行干预,如建议向朋友求助。
- Unless congress intervenes , tax rates will rise sharply on january 1st , as a series of temporary cuts adopted during the presidency of george bush junior expire .
- 除非国会进行干预,随着小布什任总统期间签署的一系列暂时性的税收减免措施的期满,税收比率将于1月1日急速飙升。
- It sets the midpoint of the range in the morning before the market opens , then intervenes throughout the day to keep the currency within the desired bounds .
- 央行在每日早上市场开盘前设定汇率中间价,然后在全天不时干预汇市,以使汇率保持在规定的浮动幅度内。
- How it intervenes is still an open question .
- 怎样实施干预仍然是公开讨论的话题。