
n.飞盘(塑料投掷玩具)( Frisbee的名词复数 )
Frisbees 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And if there are seals or surfers , dogs with frisbees , shorebirds or tide pools , even sailboats in the distance , even that gets set aside .
- 但是,如果有海豹或冲浪者,接飞盘的小狗,海鸟或蓄潮池,甚至远方的帆船,你连书都不需要。
- That list , prominently displayed outside venues , also includes whistles , lighters and matches , drink , food in large amounts that can be easily thrown , balls , rackets , frisbees and balloons .
- 禁带物品名单张贴在场馆外的显著位置,名单中还包括哨子、打火机、火柴、饮料、容易被抛掷出的大块食物、球、球拍、飞盘和气球。
- If you are thinking of cheap giveaways like key chains and frisbees , don 't do it .
- 如果你想过提供钥匙扣和飞盘这些便宜的赠品,赶紧打住。
- One college even sent out frisbees and chocolate chip cookies in its recruitment package .
- 某个学校甚至于在招收的时候用分发飞碟和巧克力棒曲奇作宣传。
- Try glow in the dark frisbees for a night time game of ultimate , glowing golf balls for snow golf .
- 试试在夜间终极比赛中玩玩夜光飞盘,在雪地高尔夫中打会发光的高尔夫球。
- I thought of betsy and tabitha , the two lovable cats that belonged to my husband and me ; of ben , the playful mutt who loved to catch frisbees .
- 我想到了贝特西和塔比莎,那是我和丈夫养的两只可爱的小猫;还有贝思,那只喜欢逮飞碟的顽皮小狗。