
Colin 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Using heathrow 's runways more flexibly would allow another 60000 flights a year , says colin matthews of baa .
- 灵活运用西斯罗的跑道将每年再增加6万次航班,英国机场管理局的colinmatthews这样说道。
- Royal drama the king 's speech triumphed at this year 's oscars - with its star colin firth crowned best actor .
- 皇家戏剧《国王的演讲》在今年奥斯卡上取得了巨大的胜利其主演科林费斯荣获最佳男主角。
- Its founder , andrew colin , reckons nearly 30 other institutions have agreements with one of his four competitors .
- 集团的创办人,andrewcolin,估计大约有30个教育机构已经与集团的四个竞争者其中之一签定了协议。
- Colin melvin of hermes equity ownership services , which advises institutional investors on such matters , says the overall result has been much better communication between managers and shareholders .
- 在这些事情上建议机构投资者的hermes股权服务机构的colinmelvin,说总的结果能使管理者和股东之间有更好的沟通。
- Within two months colin and I were dating .
- 不到两个月我和克林开始约会。
- I first met colin at an apartment party .
- 我在一个公寓派对上第一次遇到克林。
- Colin asked on the way out .
- 克林在出来的路上问。
- Colin gestured towards emily barnes angrily .
- 克林愤怒地朝艾米莉巴恩斯打手势。
- But colin was already asleep .
- 可柯林已经睡着了。
- When he arrived home , he found the housekeeper very confused about colin 's health .
- 他回到家里,发现管家对柯林的身体状况大为不解。