

cardia 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Relationship between precancerous lesions of gastric cardia and helicobacter pylori infection .
- 贲门粘膜癌癌前病变与幽门螺杆菌感染关系的研究。
- Application of two stapling devices in surgery of esophagus and cardia carcinoma .
- 两种消化道吻合器在食管癌及贲门癌手术中的应用。
- A similar trend has been seen with gastric cardia adenocarcinoma .
- 胃贲门癌也有相似的趋势。
- Clinical application of pedicled ileocecum interposition graft as gastric replacement during the operation for cardia cancer .
- 带蒂回盲肠间置代胃在贲门癌手术中的临床应用。
- Is that the cardia cancer skill queen changes eating gold thorny sea cucumber effective ?
- 贲门癌术后转移吃金刺参有效吗?
- Pharynx , larynx , esophagus , cardia cancer early .
- 咽、喉、食管、贲门部癌肿早期。
- From oct.1978 to aug.1993 , surgical procedures for achalasia of gastric cardia were performed in 72 patients in our hospital .
- 我院自1978年10月至1993年8月,为72例贲门失弛缓症病人行外科治疗。
- Clinical analysis of 26 cases of esophageal diverticulum following carcinoma of esophagus and gastric cardia .
- 食管憩室伴发食管及贲门癌26例临床分析。
- The author reported common complications for 87 senior patients with esophagus and cardia carcinoma and their nursing .
- 笔者报道87例高龄食道及贲门癌患者术后常见并发症及护理。
- Application of residual stomach interposition between esophagus and jejunum in operation for carcinoma of the cardia .
- 残胃间置在贲门癌手术中的应用。