

cardholder 变化形式
复数: cardholders
cardholder 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Major terms and conditions of dah sing credit card cardholder agreement .
- 大新信用卡持卡人合约之主要使用条款。
- No-show charge if cardholder does not cancel properly .
- 如果持卡人取消预订不当,要承担放空费用。
- Interchange fees are paid between banks servicing vendors and the banks servicing the cardholder .
- 跨行交易费是在为商家服务的银行和为持卡人服务的银行之间收取的。
- The vip golden card of xian gaoke hotel & resort is only entitled for the cardholder .
- 西安高科度假大酒店会员俱乐部金卡仅限本人使用。
- Cardholder must always sign credit card transaction receipts , when credit card is present .
- 如果持卡人随身带了信用卡,则其必须在其交易收据上签字。
- China unionpay dual currency credit card cardholder agreement .
- 创兴银联双币信用卡持卡人合约。
- Notice of amendment to wing hang bank credit card cardholder .
- 永亨银行信用卡持卡人协议修订通知。
- The bank reserves the right to levy a handling charge if special delivery of any coupon is requested by the cardholder .
- 持卡人如要求本银行以特别方式处理、寄送换取之现金券,本银行保留徵收有关手续费之权利。
- Screen instructions are written in plain , simple english , which makes atms very easy for the cardholder to use .
- 屏幕上的说明是用简单易懂的英语显示,对持卡人来说,操作起来很容易。
- A bankcard , used to purchase goods and services and to obtain cash , which debits the cardholder 's personal deposit account .
- 用来购买商品、服务和取现的银行卡,这些金额被记入持卡人个人存款帐户的借方。