
Beyonce 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Singer beyonce is the celebrity with the best body in the eyes of british women , but males prefer hollywood actress megan fox , a new survey has found .
- 一项最新调查显示,在英国女性看来,(美国)歌手碧昂斯的身材最完美,而男性则更青睐好莱坞女星梅根福克斯。
- The most wanted cheeks : january jones , beyonce knowles and jennifer garner
- 最想拥有的脸庞:詹纽瑞琼斯、碧昂丝诺里斯、詹妮弗加纳
- Now you will be thinking of rihanna , beyonce , akon , enrique , shakira and backstreet boys .
- 现在,你或许正在想蕾哈娜,碧昂丝,阿肯,恩里克,夏奇拉和后街男孩。
- As soon as she appeared , showing off her stomach , twitter exploded with the trending topic : " beyonce is pregnant . "
- 在她亮相展示了自己的孕腹后,微博上马上爆满了这个热门话题:“碧昂斯怀孕了。”
- Beyonce , a dachshund mix female puppy , is pictured on an iphone in this march 10 , 2012 photo .
- 在这张2012年3月10日的图片中,一只名叫碧昂斯的达克斯混种雌性小狗趴在一台iphone手机上。
- Beyonce , who was slammed by james in 2009 for singing " at last " at the inaugural ball for u. s. president barack obama , said on friday she was fortunate to have met " such a queen . "
- 曾在2009年詹姆斯为总统奥巴马就职舞会上演唱“最后”一曲时被她打动的碧昂斯说,在周五她有幸可以见到“如此一位女皇”。
- As a top selling u.s. artist , rihanna claims she is one of the women stars in the world who is ' dominating music ' , along with lady gaga , katy perry , beyonce and ke $ ha .
- 在美国一个顶级的艺术家拍卖会上,蕾哈娜声称她是世界上主宰音乐的女人之一,其中还有ladygaga,凯蒂佩里,碧昂斯和ke$ha.
- Beyonce , who weighed just 1 ounce and could fit into a teaspoon when found , could be the world 's smallest dog , according to animal rescuers in northern california who found her abandoned in san bernardino , california .
- 据在加州圣伯纳迪诺找到被遗弃的碧昂斯的北加州动物救助者所说,小狗被找到时只有1盎司重,能放进一个茶匙里,它可能是全世界最小的狗了。
- Strange , considering how old the ipad is in technology years , and predictable for the idea 's devirginizer to be iceland 's reigning odd bird ( now if beyonce pioneered it , that would be strange ) .
- 奇怪是因为ipad在当今技术时代已经不是什么新鲜东西,意料之中是因为这样的新鲜想法自然来自这位冰岛奇葩(如果碧昂斯先做了才是奇怪)。
- Beyonce has revealed she is expecting her first baby .
- 碧昂斯透露,她正在期待她第一个孩子的出生。