

knowhow 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Such an announcement would exacerbate fears about north korea 's knowhow .
- 这样的宣布将加剧各方对朝鲜核技术实力的担心。
- It 's not just music that has benefited from a little mathematical knowhow recently .
- 不只是音乐会受益于一点数学技术。
- First , mongolia must decide how to split the booty between itself and foreigners , who have capital and knowhow .
- 首先,蒙古必须决定如何在自己与拥有资金和技术诀窍的外国人之间分配这些成果。
- I don 't knowhow you can work with her .
- 我不明白你怎么会和她共事.
- Since when do you knowhow to play craps ?
- 你什么时候开始懂得玩双骰子游戏的?
- Let me knowhow you want to handle this .
- 你想好怎么好报仇后就告诉我一声.
- I don 't understand why you don 't knowhow much this means to me .
- 你真的不明白,这次的合作对我的意义有多大吗.
- Now , he believes , businesses need to access the knowhow that resides outside .
- 现在,他认为,企业需要获得外部技能。
- That could also become part of a broader dialogue on the knowhow for reducing energy intensity and implementing such efficiency quickly .
- 这也可能成为更广范围的知识交流的一部分,旨在降低能源密集度和快速部署能效措施。
- I wanna knowhow you can sell out your best friend .
- 我想要知道你怎么能出卖你最好的朋友。