
英语作文    发布时间:2024-10-15  



Discussion - 讨论

Debate - 辩论

Argument - 争论

Consensus - 共识

Point of view - 观点

Evidence - 证据

Facilitator - 主持人

Feedback - 反馈

Resolution - 解决方案

Insight - 洞察


Discussing issues is essential in our daily lives, as it allows us to share ideas, explore different perspectives, and find common ground. Through discussions, we can understand the complexities of various topics, ranging from personal matters to global challenges. When individuals come together to discuss, they can express their opinions freely, leading to a richer understanding of the subject at hand.

Moreover, discussions often reveal hidden biases and assumptions that may influence our thinking. By addressing these biases, we can develop more balanced viewpoints. For instance, in a workplace setting, discussing project strategies can help teams identify potential obstacles and create effective solutions collaboratively. This not only enhances team cohesion but also fosters innovation.

Furthermore, engaging in discussions helps improve critical thinking skills. Participants learn to analyze arguments, assess evidence, and articulate their thoughts clearly. This skill is invaluable in both personal and professional contexts.

In conclusion, discussing issues is not merely about sharing opinions; it is a powerful tool for learning and growth. It encourages open-mindedness and respect for differing views, ultimately leading to better decision-making and a deeper understanding of the world around us.






❶ 你有什么更好的想法吗?Have you got any better ideas?

同类表达 What's your opinion on this? 你对此有什么看法?

What's your view on this subject? 就这个议题,你有什么看法?

❷ 你说得太对了。You can say that again.

同类表达 You're right. 你说得对。

❸ 我们一会儿再谈这个问题吧。Let's get to this issue later.

同类表达 We have already debated the matter. 我们已经讨论过这个问题了。

Stop beating a dead horse. 别再白费口舌了。

❹ 在演讲结束后,我会尽量回答你所有的问题。I'll try to answer all of your questions after the presentation.

同类表达 Do feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions. 如果你们有任何问题,可以随时打断我。

I plan to keep some time for questions after the presentation. 在演讲结束后,我会留出回答问题的时间。

❺ 主要问题是什么?What is the main problem?

同类表达 What is the real issue here? 真正的问题是什么?

❻ 南希,ABC项目进展如何?Nancy, how is the ABC Project coming along?

同类表达 Nancy, can you tell us how the ABC Project is progressing? 南希,你能告诉我们ABC项目的进展情况吗?

❼ 我们主要关心的是如何提高销量。Our primary concern is how to increase sales.

❽ 问题的关键是如何令客户满意。The crux of the matter is how to satisfy the customers.

同类表达 The main problem we need to solve is how to satisfy the customers. 我们需要解决的主要问题是如何令客户满意。

❾ 在报告开始之前,我想听听你们所有人的想法。Before I begin the presentation, I'd like to get some ideas from you all.

同类表达 What do you think is the most important in reaching these goals? 你认为要达到这些目标最重要的是什么?

❿ 你到底是什么意思?What exactly do you mean?

对话 A: What exactly do you mean? 你到底是什么意思?

B: What I mean is that we need to give sales teams better customer information reports. 我的意思是我们需要为销售团队提供更好的客户信息报告。