
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-01  



Move - 搬家

Pack - 打包

Unpack - 解包

Boxes - 箱子

Furniture - 家具

Movers - 搬家公司工人

Moving truck - 搬运卡车

Loading - 装载

Unloading - 卸载

Address change - 地址变更

Change of residence - 居住地变更

Household goods - 家居物品

Storage - 存储

Packing materials - 打包材料

Moving day - 搬家日

Moving expenses - 搬家费用

Utilities transfer - 公用事业转移

Change of mailing address - 邮寄地址变更

Moving checklist - 搬家清单

Settling in - 安顿下来


A: Have you heard? We're moving to a new house next month!
B: Really? That's great news! Why are you moving?
A: Our lease is ending, and we found a bigger place closer to work.
B: That sounds convenient. Have you started packing?
A: Yes, we've already started packing up our belongings. It's a lot of work!
B: I can imagine. Do you need any help with the move?
A: Actually, that would be really helpful. Can you help us move the furniture?
B: Of course! Just let me know the date, and I'll be there to lend a hand.

A: 你听说了吗?我们下个月要搬到新房子去!
B: 真的吗?太好了!为什么要搬家?
A: 我们的租约到期了,而且我们找到了一个更大的、离工作地点更近的地方。
B: 听起来很方便。你们开始打包了吗?
A: 是的,我们已经开始收拾行李了。这是一项很大的工作!
B: 我能想象得出来。你们需要搬家时我帮忙吗?
A: 实际上,那会非常有帮助。你能帮我们搬家吗?
B: 当然!告诉我日期,我会去帮忙的。

A: Moving day is finally here! I'm so excited to settle into our new home.
B: Me too! It's been a hectic few weeks, but I'm glad everything is packed up.
A: I can't believe how many boxes we have. I hope we don't forget anything.
B: I made a checklist, so we should be good. Did you call the movers?
A: Yes, they'll be here soon with the moving truck. They'll take care of loading and unloading.
B: That's a relief. I also notified the utility companies about the address change.
A: Great job! I'll make sure to update our mailing address too.
B: Once we're settled in, we can start unpacking and decorating our new place.
A: I can't wait to make it feel like home. Let's get this move over with!

A: 搬家的日子终于到了!我很兴奋能够安顿到新家。
B: 我也是!过去几周一直很紧张,但我很高兴一切都打包好了。
A: 我简直不敢相信我们有这么多箱子。希望我们没有遗漏什么东西。
B: 我制作了一个清单,所以应该没问题。你联系了搬家公司吗?
A: 是的,他们很快就会带着搬运卡车过来。他们会负责装载和卸载。
B: 真是松了一口气。我还通知了公用事业公司地址变更的事情。
A: 做得好!我会确保更新我们的邮寄地址。
B: 一旦我们安顿下来,我们就可以开始解包和装饰新家了。
A: 我迫不及待地想让它有家的感觉。我们开始搬家吧!

A: We're finally moved in! It feels so good to be in our new house.
B: Yes, it's a fresh start. Did everything arrive safely during the move?
A: Thankfully, nothing got damaged. The movers did a great job.
B: That's a relief. Now we can start organizing and arranging the furniture.
A: I'm glad we labeled the boxes. It'll make unpacking much easier.
B: Definitely. Let's take our time and make sure everything goes in the right place.
A: Agreed. We should also notify friends and family about our new address.
B: Good idea. And don't forget to update our address with the post office too.
A: Right, I'll take care of that today. It's a new chapter in our lives!
B: Cheers to our new home!

A: 我们终于搬进来了!住在新房子里感觉真好。
B: 是的,这是一个新的开始。搬家过程中所有的东西都安全到达了吗?
A: 幸运的是,没有任何损坏。搬家公司做得很好。
B: 真是松了一口气。现在我们可以开始整理和安排家具了。
A: 我很高兴我们给箱子贴上了标签。这会让解包变得更容易。
B: 当然。我们要慢慢来,确保一切都放在正确的位置。
A: 同意。我们还应该通知亲朋好友我们的新地址。
B: 好主意。别忘了也要向邮局更新我们的地址。
A: 对,我今天就会处理这个事情。这是我们生活中的新篇章!
B: 为我们的新家干杯!


Moving to a New House

Moving to a new house can be an exciting and challenging experience. Recently, my family and I had the opportunity to move to a new home, and it was an adventure that brought both joy and stress.

Firstly, the process of finding a new house was quite a task. We had to consider various factors such as location, size, and price. After searching for weeks, we finally found the perfect place that met all our requirements. The feeling of excitement and anticipation filled our hearts as we imagined the possibilities that awaited us in our new home.

Next came the packing. It was a daunting job to pack up all our belongings, but we approached it with a systematic approach. We sorted through our things, deciding what to keep and what to give away or throw out. Each item was carefully wrapped and placed in boxes, labeled with its contents for easy unpacking later. It was a tedious process, but it helped us declutter and organize our possessions.

On the day of the move, a moving company arrived with a truck to transport our furniture and boxes. The movers were efficient and handled our belongings with care. Seeing our life packed up in boxes was a bittersweet moment, as we said goodbye to our old home and prepared to start anew.

Finally, we arrived at our new house. It was a blank canvas waiting to be filled with memories and personal touches. Unpacking and arranging our furniture was like solving a puzzle, figuring out the best layout for each room. Gradually, our new house started to feel like a home as we unpacked familiar items and decorated the space with our personal belongings.

Although the process of moving was tiring and sometimes stressful, the end result was worth it. Our new home offered a fresh start and a sense of excitement for the future. It provided us with a space to create new memories and grow as a family.









❶ 我计划下个月搬家。I'm planning to move next month.

对话 A: When do you plan to move into your new house? 你打算什么时候搬进新家?

B: I'm planning to move next month. 我计划下个月搬家。

❷ 我请了搬家公司来搬运家具。I asked a moving company to move my furniture.

❸ 如果你需要帮助,我随叫随到。If you need help, I'm at your order anytime.

同类表达 If you need my help, I'll be around somewhere. 如果你需要我的帮助,我随叫随到。

If there is anything that I can help, let me know. 如果有任何需要我帮忙的地方,尽管说。

❹ 我的包裹太多了,能否派一辆卡车过来?I have too many packages, so could you send a truck here?

对话 A: Good morning. May I help you? 早上好。有什么需要?

B: I have too many packages, so could you send a truck here? 我的包裹太多了,所以想问一下你们能否派一辆卡车过来?

❺ 打包真是一个体力活。Packing is a laborious job.

同类表达 I'm doing the last packing. 我在做最后的打包。

I've used up ten rolls of packing tape! 我已经用了10卷打包胶带。

❻ 这些箱子能放在地上吗?Could I put these boxes on the floor?

对话 A: Could I put these boxes on the floor? 这些箱子能放在地上吗?

B: There are fragile items in the box; please handle with care. 箱子里是易碎物品,请轻拿轻放。

❼ 恭喜你搬进新公寓。Congratulate you on moving into the new apartment.

同类表达 Your house looks marvelous. 你的房子看起来棒极了。

It's really a nice place. 这儿真是个好地方。

❽ 搬家前,我们会办一个车库售物活动。I will have a garage sale before we move.

对话 A: I will have a garage sale before we move. 搬家前,我们会办一个车库售物活动。

B: Remember to remind me. 记得提醒我。

❾ 你搬家的时候告诉我。Tell me when you move.

对话 A: Tell me when you move. I will help you. 你搬家的时候告诉我。我来帮你。

B: It's so kind of you. 你太好了。

❿ 他来帮我们搬家的。He came to help us move.
