
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-21  



Withdrawal - 取款

Cash - 现金

ATM (Automated Teller Machine) - 自动取款机

Account balance - 账户余额

Deposit - 存款

Banknote - 纸币

Currency - 货币

PIN (Personal Identification Number) - 个人识别码

Checking account - 支票账户

Savings account - 储蓄账户

Bank statement - 银行对账单

Overdraft - 透支

Bank transfer - 银行转账

Bank card - 银行卡

Exchange rate - 汇率

Counter - 柜台

Withdrawal slip - 取款单

Cashier - 出纳员

Online banking - 网上银行

Mobile banking - 手机银行


A: Hey, I love your outfit! Where did you get that sweater?


B: Thank you! I got it from a boutique downtown. They have the latest fashion trends.


A: That's cool! I'm aCustomer: Excuse me, I would like to withdraw some money from my account.


Bank Teller: Sure, could you please provide me with your account number and ID for verification?


Customer: Of course, here is my account number and ID.


Bank Teller: Thank you. How much money would you like to withdraw?


Customer: I would like to withdraw $200.


Bank Teller: Alright. Would you like that in large or small denominations?


Customer: Could I have it in small denominations, please?


Bank Teller: Noted. Do you have a withdrawal slip?


Customer: No, I don't. Can I fill out one here?


Bank Teller: Yes, certainly. Here is a withdrawal slip. Please fill in the amount and sign it.


Customer: Thank you. Here is the filled withdrawal slip.


Bank Teller: Thank you. I will process your request right away. Please wait for a moment.



Bank Teller: Here you go, $200 in small denominations. Is there anything else I can assist you with?


Customer: No, that's all. Thank you for your help.


Bank Teller: You're welcome. Have a great day!

银行职员:不客气。祝您有个愉快的一天!lways looking for unique pieces. I usually shop at vintage stores.


B: Oh, I love vintage clothing too! They have such a timeless charm. Any recommendations?


A: There's a great vintage store on Maple Street. They have a wide selection of retro dresses and accessories.


B: Awesome! I'll definitely check it out. By the way, where do you shop for casual clothes?


A: For casual wear, I usually go to the mall. They have a lot of affordable options and stylish brands.


B: That sounds convenient. I'll have to explore the mall more often. Thanks for the tip!



Withdrawing money from a bank account is a common task for many people. There are several ways to withdraw money, such as visiting a bank branch, using an ATM, or using online banking services.

When withdrawing money at a bank, the customer typically needs to provide their account information and identification for verification. Depending on the amount of money being withdrawn, the bank may ask for additional information or require the customer to fill out a withdrawal slip.

Using an ATM is a convenient way to withdraw money anytime and anywhere. The customer simply needs to insert their bank card, enter their PIN, and select the amount of money to withdraw. However, there may be limits on the amount of money that can be withdrawn per transaction or per day.

Online banking services also offer the convenience of withdrawing money without having to visit a bank branch. Customers can log in to their account and transfer money to another account, or use a mobile banking app to withdraw money at an ATM without a physical bank card.

Overall, withdrawing money from a bank account is a straightforward process that can be done in a variety of ways depending on the customer's preferences and needs.







❶ 我要从账户里取2 000元。I need to withdraw 2,000 yuan from my account.

❷ 我的账户余额是多少?What is the balance in my account?

同类表达 I'd like to know my balance, please. 我想知道我的账户余额。

Could you tell me my balance? 能否把账户余额告诉我?

❸ 不能一次取这么多钱。You can't withdraw so much money at a time.

同类表达 The maximum withdrawal amount is no more than $10,000. 最大取款额不得超过10 000美元。

❹ 我建议你去自动取款机办理。I suggest you go to the ATM.

对话 A: There are too many customers here. I suggest you go to the ATM. 这里顾客太多了,我建议你去自动提款机办理。

B: Could you point me the direction of the ATM? 能告诉我自动取款机的方位吗?

A: It's just over there. 就在那里。

❺ 这张银行卡已经破损,不能使用了。You can't use this card since it's damaged.

对话 A: I'd like to withdraw 2,000 yuan from this card. 我要从这张卡里取2 000元。

B: I'm sorry, but you can't use this card since it's damaged. 对不起,这张银行卡已经破损,恐怕不能使用了。

❻ 请输入密码。Please enter the password.

对话 A: Please enter the password. 请输入密码。

B: OK. 好的。

A: Your password does not match. Please re-enter the password. 您的密码不符,请重新输入。

❼ 自动取款机把我的卡吞掉了。The ATM ate my card.

同类表达 The ATM took my card.

My card is stuck in the ATM.

❽ 我想取钱。I'd like to make a withdrawal.

同类表达 I'd like to take out some money.

❾ 你已经透支了。You have overdrawn your money.

对话 A: I'd like to withdraw 20,000 yuan . 我想取20 000元。

B: Sorry, you have overdrawn your money. 抱歉,你已经透支了。

❿ 机器没出钱。The cash machine didn't give me my money.

同类表达 I can't get my money from the ATM.
