
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-25  



1. Lose weight: 减肥

2. Diet: 节食

3. Calorie: 卡路里

4. Low-calorie diet: 低热量饮食

5. Exercise: 锻炼

6. Cardio: 有氧运动

7. Weight loss: 减重

8. Fat burning: 燃烧脂肪

9. Fitness: 健身

10. Gym: 健身房

11. Workout: 锻炼,健身

12. Diet plan: 饮食计划

13. Portion control: 控制食量

14. Snacking: 吃零食

15. Cheat day: 欺骗日(在节食期间允许自己吃平时不吃的食物)

16. Metabolism: 新陈代谢

17. Body mass index (BMI): 身体质量指数

18. Slim down: 变苗条

19. Weight management: 体重管理

20. Healthy eating habits: 健康饮食习惯


Person A: I've been trying to lose weight for a while now, but it's not easy.

A: 我一直试图减肥,但这不容易。

Person B: What strategies have you been using?

B: 你用了什么策略?

Person A: I've been on a low-calorie diet and doing some cardio exercises.

A: 我一直在尝试低热量饮食和做一些有氧运动。

Person B: That's a good start. Have you considered portion control and healthy eating habits?

B: 这是个好的开始。你考虑过控制食量和养成健康的饮食习惯吗?

Person A: Yes, I've been trying to eat more fruits and vegetables and less junk food.

A: 是的,我一直在努力多吃蔬菜水果,少吃垃圾食品。

Person B: Keep it up! Consistency is key in weight loss.

B: 坚持下去!在减肥中,持之以恒是关键。

Person A: Thanks for the encouragement! I'll keep working on it.

A: 谢谢你的鼓励!我会继续努力的。


The Journey to a Healthier Lifestyle 走向更健康的生活方式

In recent years, I've realized the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and losing weight has become a significant part of that journey. I've always struggled with my weight, and it has affected my self-esteem and overall well-being. I've decided to take a more proactive approach to my health by adopting a balanced diet and regular exercise.


I've started by cutting out processed foods and sugary drinks from my diet, replacing them with whole foods and plenty of water. I've also incorporated a variety of exercises into my routine, such as walking, swimming, and yoga. These activities not only help me burn calories but also improve my mood and reduce stress.


The journey to a healthier lifestyle is not always easy, and there are times when I feel discouraged. However, I remind myself of the benefits of a healthy weight and the positive impact it has on my life. I've also found support in friends and family, who encourage me to stay committed to my goals.


In conclusion, losing weight is not just about looking better; it's about feeling better and living a healthier, happier life. I'm proud of the progress I've made so far, and I'm excited to continue on this journey towards a fitter, more confident version of myself.



❶ 我需要减肥了。I need to lose some weight.

同类表达 I should start watching my weight. 我该开始注意自己的体重了。

❷ 听说她一直在减肥。It's said that she is keeping fit.

对话 A: It's said that she is keeping fit. 听说她一直在减肥。

B: But she is so thin now. 但是她现在太瘦了。

❸ 真希望我能像你一样苗条。I wish I was as thin as you.

同类表达 I wish I could be slim after all those yoga I have done. 练了这么久瑜伽,我希望可以变得苗条些。

❹ 现在减肥是很热门的话题。Keeping fit is a popular topic nowadays.

对话 A: People like to talk about keeping fit when they get together. 人们聚在一起的时候喜欢谈论减肥。

B: Keeping fit is a popular topic nowadays. 现在减肥是很热门的话题。

❺ 吃过多的甜食会让你发胖的。You'll get fat if you eat too many sweets.

同类表达 Don't eat too many sweets. They will make you fat. 别吃太多甜食,它们会让你发胖。

❻ 这是消除腹部赘肉的好办法。It's a great way to eliminate your fat belly.

同类表达 It is a good way to get rid of my love handles. 这是消除腰部赘肉的一个好办法。

❼ 最好的减肥方法是多运动。The best way to lose weight is to do more exercise.

对话 A: I've put on some holiday weight. Is there any way I can lose weight fast? 我假期长胖了,有什么办法可以快速减肥吗?

B: The best way to lose weight is to do more exercise. 最好的减肥方法是多运动。

❽ 我晚餐只喝两杯果汁。I only have two glasses of juice for supper.

同类表达 I only eat some fruits as my dinner. 我晚餐只吃一些水果。

I'm on a diet. 我在节食。

❾ 我建议你健康饮食,别不吃饭。I suggest you follow a healthy diet instead of skipping meals.

❿ 我打算参加一个减肥训练班。I plan to join a weight-loss class.

同类表达 I decide to join an aerobic gym class. 我决定参加有氧健身班。

对话 A: I plan to join a weight-loss class. 我打算参加一个减肥训练班。

B: It's a good idea. 好主意。