
英语作文    发布时间:2024-03-15  



Mountain climbing - 登山

Summit - 山顶

Peak - 山峰

Base camp - 基地营地

Rope - 绳索

Harness - 安全带

Crampons - 登山爪

Trekking - 徒步旅行

Altitude sickness - 高山病

Rock climbing - 攀岩


She reached the summit of Mount Everest last year.(她去年登上了珠穆朗玛峰的山顶。)

Climbing a mountain requires physical strength and mental determination.(攀登一座山需要身体力量和心理决心。)

We set up our base camp at the foot of the mountain before starting the ascent.(我们在山脚下搭建了基地营地,然后开始攀登。)

It's important to stay hydrated and pace yourself while climbing to avoid altitude sickness.(攀登时保持水分补充和控制节奏很重要,以避免高山病的发生。)


Mountain climbing is a thrilling and challenging outdoor activity that attracts adventure enthusiasts from around the world. Climbing mountains not only tests one's physical endurance but also demands mental strength and strategic planning. The journey to the summit of a mountain is often filled with obstacles and risks, but the sense of achievement and the breathtaking views at the top make it all worthwhile. Base camps serve as crucial resting points during expeditions, providing climbers with shelter and supplies. Despite the dangers and difficulties associated with mountain climbing, the experience of conquering nature's towering peaks is truly rewarding and unforgettable.



❶ 我喜欢周末去爬山。I like climbing at the weekends.

对话 A: I like climbing at the weekends. 我喜欢周末去爬山。

B: Why not go climbing together? 为什么不一起去呢?

A: Good idea. 好主意。

❷ 我吃力地爬上了山坡。I labored up the hillside.

同类表达 We went to the top of the mountain. 我们走到山顶了。

对话 A: I labored up the hillside. 我吃力地爬上了山坡。

B: You need to take more exercise. 你需要多锻炼。

❸ 我们必须在天黑前到达山脚下。We must get to the foot of the mountain before it gets dark.

❹ 光是想想要爬山,我就感到累了。The thought of climbing a mountain makes me feel tired.

对话 A: How about your climbing? 你爬山爬得怎么样了?

B: I actually didn't go. The thought of climbing a mountain makes me feel tired. 实际上我没去。光是想想要爬山,我就感到累了。

❺ 山上的空气很清新。The air is clean in the mountains.

对话 A: Why do you like to live in the mountains? 你为什么喜欢住在山上?

B: The air is clean in the mountains. 山上的空气很清新。

❻ 一定要穿舒服的鞋子。Make sure you wear comfortable shoes.

对话 A: What shoes do I need to wear? 我需要穿什么鞋?

B: Make sure you wear comfortable shoes. 一定要穿舒服的鞋子。

❼ 多穿点衣服,山上比较冷。Wear more clothing. It's a bit cooler in the mountains.

对话 A: Wear more clothing. It's a bit cooler in the mountains. 多穿点衣服,山上比较冷。

B: I see. 我知道了。

❽ 哪一条登山步道风景更好一些?Which hiking trail is more scenic?

对话 A: Which hiking trail is more scenic? 哪一条登山步道风景更好一些?

B: We'd better drive to the west slope of the Changbai Mountains. 我们最好开车去长白山西坡。

❾ 我们爬多久了?How long have we been hiking?

对话 A: How long have we been hiking? 我们爬多久了?

B: Almost two hours. 差不多两个小时了。

❿ 你需要一些额外的耐力训练。You need some extra endurance training.