
英语作文    发布时间:2024-10-16  




We will conclude the meeting at noon.


She finished her homework before dinner.


The contract will terminate at the end of the year.


He completed the project ahead of schedule.

wrap up

Let’s wrap up the discussion before lunch.


We need to finalize the details before the event.


The team found closure after the successful project.


The festival will culminate in a grand parade.


The movie will end at 10 PM.


The conclusion of the report is quite insightful.


They decided to discontinue the product line.


The service will be suspended for maintenance.


Their parting was emotional.


His retirement marked the end of an era.


The group will disband after the performance.

last call

This is the last call for passengers.


They finally settled their differences.

give up

She decided to give up her old habits.

take leave

He decided to take leave from work.


The troops will retreat after the battle.


The Importance of Endings

Every ending carries a unique significance in our lives. Whether it is the conclusion of a school year, the closing of a business deal, or the end of a friendship, each ending signifies a transition. Endings can evoke various emotions, including sadness, relief, or anticipation. While they often bring about feelings of loss, they also pave the way for new beginnings.

For instance, the end of a school year can be bittersweet. Students may feel sad about leaving friends and familiar surroundings, yet they also look forward to summer adventures and the next academic year. Similarly, the conclusion of a project can lead to a sense of achievement, reminding us of our hard work and dedication.

Moreover, endings teach us valuable life lessons. They encourage us to reflect on our experiences, learn from our mistakes, and grow as individuals. Embracing endings helps us appreciate the moments we've had and prepares us for future opportunities.

In conclusion, while endings can be challenging, they are essential parts of our life journey. By understanding their importance, we can navigate the transitions in our lives with grace and optimism. Instead of fearing endings, we should embrace them as stepping stones to new adventures and possibilities.







❶ 如果没有其他问题,我想今天就到这里吧。If there are no further questions, I think we'll call it a day.

同类表达 If nobody wants to add anything, I think we can draw the meeting to a close. 如果没人要补充什么,我想会议就到此结束吧。

❷ 我认为我们已经讨论过议程上的所有问题了。I think we've covered everything on the agenda.

同类表达 It looks as if we've covered the main items. 看起来我们已经讨论过主要的事项了。

❸ 感谢大家的建议。I appreciate getting your points of view.

同类表达 I appreciate your suggestions. 感谢你们的建议。

❹ 我宣布会议结束。I declare the meeting is closed.

同类表达 The meeting is closed. 会议结束。

❺ 今天的报告就到这里吧。That's so much for today's presentation.

同类表达 This concludes our presentation for today. 以上就是我们今天的报告。

❻ 谢谢大家参加此次会议。Thank you all for attending this meeting.

同类表达 Thank you very much for your time. 感谢大家能抽空过来。

Thank you all for your participation. 感谢大家来参加这次会议。

❼ 我们可以定一下下次会议的日期吗?Can we set the date for the next meeting, please?

同类表达 I'll see you all again at the next meeting on the 12th. 我会在下次12号的会议上再和大家见面的。

❽ 恐怕我们这次会议不得不开到这里了。I'm afraid we have to cut this meeting short.

同类表达 I've just been informed of an urgent problem that needs my solution. 我刚刚接到通知,有一个紧急的问题需要我去解决。

❾ 由于大家都很准时,我们才能提早结束会议。Since everyone was so punctual, we were able to finish the meeting early.

❿ 就到这里,我们回到工作岗位上去吧。Let's wrap up here so that we can get back to our desks.

同类表达 I just have a few closing remarks and then you will all be free to go. 我还有几句结束语要说,之后大家就可以走了。