
英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-20  



Medical advice - 医嘱

Prescription - 处方

Dosage instructions - 用药说明

Medication regimen - 用药方案

Refill - 复诊/续药

Adhere to the doctor's orders - 遵守医生的建议

Follow-up appointment - 复诊预约

Contraindications - 禁忌症

Side effects - 副作用

Take with food - 餐后服用

Take on an empty stomach - 饭前服用

Over-the-counter medication - 非处方药

Allergy warning - 过敏警告

Dose frequency - 服药频率

Maximum daily dose - 最大日剂量


Patient: Doctor, can you go over the instructions for my medication again? 病人:医生,您能再跟我复习一下药物的用法吗?

Doctor: Of course. You should take one pill in the morning and another in the evening with meals. 医生:当然。你应该早晚各服一颗药,餐后服用。

Patient: Should I expect any side effects from this medication? 病人:这种药物会有什么副作用吗?

Doctor: Some patients experience drowsiness or nausea, but it varies from person to person. If you notice any unusual symptoms, please let me know. 医生:有些患者会出现嗜睡或恶心等症状,但因人而异。如果你注意到任何异常症状,请告诉我。

Patient: When should I schedule my follow-up appointment? 病人:我应该何时安排复诊?

Doctor: I recommend scheduling a follow-up appointment in two weeks to assess how the medication is working for you. 医生:我建议两周后进行复诊,以评估药物对你的效果。


❶ 吃些药,卧床休息几天。Take some medicine and stay in bed for some days.

❷ 你需要卧床休息几天。All you need is a few days in bed.

对话 A: I am tired and feel dizzy these days. 这些天我感到疲惫,还有些头晕。

B: You worked too hard. All you need is a few days in bed. 你工作太辛苦了,需要卧床休息几天。

❸ 你每天都要量血压并把数据记录下来。You have to measure the blood pressure and record it every day.

对话 A: What should I do after leaving hospital? 出院之后,我需要怎么做?

B: You have to measure the blood pressure and record it every day. 你每天都要量血压并把数据记录下来。

❹ 保持运动习惯。Be regular in exercise.

同类表达 You should start to control your diet. 你要开始控制一下饮食。

Maintain an appropriate body weight. 维持适当的体重。

❺ 适量的运动可以促进身体对钙质的吸收。Exercising regularly can help body absorb the calcium.

对话 A: What benefits can exercising make? 运动有什么好处?

B: Exercising regularly can help body absorb the calcium. 适量的运动可以促进身体对钙质的吸收。

❻ 不要吃海鲜和动物内脏。Avoid seafood and animal intestines.

对话 A: What kinds of food are prohibited after surgery? 术后不能吃哪些食物?

B: Avoid seafood and animal intestines. 不要吃海鲜和动物内脏。

❼ 心情要平静,这样血压才不会上升。Stay calm so that your blood pressure won't go up.

❽ 最近不要提重物。Don't carry anything heavy recently.

对话 A: What's your advice after taking this cast off? 脱了石膏之后,您有什么特别要嘱咐的吗?

B: Don't carry anything heavy recently. 最近不要提重物。

❾ 你要小心一些成人病。You have to be careful of adult disease.

对话 A: What should I be especially careful of? 我要特别注意些什么?

B: You have to be careful of adult disease. 你要小心一些成人病。

❿ 麻药退之前不要吃东西。Don't eat anything until the anesthetic goes away.

对话 A: What should I pay attention to? 我应该注意什么?

B: Don't eat anything until the anesthetic goes away. 麻药退之前不要吃东西。