
英语作文    发布时间:2024-03-15  



Swimming - 游泳

Surfing - 冲浪

Rowing - 划船

Sailing - 帆船运动

Water skiing - 滑水

Jet skiing - 水上摩托车运动

Wakeboarding - 踩浪板运动

Scuba diving - 潜水

Life jacket - 救生衣

Water sports - 水上运动


I enjoy swimming in the ocean during the summer.(我喜欢在夏天时在海里游泳。)

She loves to go water skiing on the weekends.(她喜欢周末去滑水。)

We went sailing on the lake and had a great time.(我们在湖上进行了帆船运动,玩得很开心。)

He wears a life jacket when he goes jet skiing for safety.(他去玩水上摩托车时会穿救生衣以确保安全。)


Water sports are very popular all around the world. People enjoy various water activities during their leisure time. Among the most popular water sports, swimming is one of the most common and beneficial activities. It not only provides relaxation but also serves as a great form of exercise. Another popular water sport is surfing, which requires skill and balance. Additionally, sailing and rowing are considered more leisurely activities that can be enjoyed individually or with a group. Overall, water sports offer a great way to have fun while staying active and enjoying the natural beauty of bodies of water.



❶ 我最擅长的是蛙泳。The breaststroke is my best stroke.

对话 A: Which stroke are you best at? 你最擅长哪一种游法?

B: The breaststroke is my best stroke. 我最擅长的是蛙泳。

❷ 我参加了很多游泳比赛。I entered a lot of swimming competitions.

对话 A: I entered a lot of swimming competitions. 我参加了很多游泳比赛。

B: What are the events for the swimming competitions? 有哪些游泳比赛项目啊?

A: Just like swimming, diving, water polo and so on. 比如游泳、跳水、水球等。

❸ 这个游泳池有几条泳道?How many lanes does this pool have?

对话 A: How many lanes does this pool have? 这个游泳池有几条泳道?

B: This pool has six lanes. 这个游泳池有六条泳道。

❹ 你必须在泳池里带泳帽。You have to wear a swimming cap in the pool.

对话 A: What should I prepare for swimming? 我应该为游泳做什么准备?

B: You'd better wear your swimming goggles. 你最好带上护目镜去游泳。

❺ 你带泳裤了吗?Did you bring your swimming trunks?

对话 A: Did you bring your swimming trunks? 你带泳裤了吗?

B: No, I don't want to swim at all. 没带,我一点都不想游泳。

❻ 我要去拿我的泳衣。I need to take my bathing suit.

对话 A: I need to take my bathing suit. 我要去拿我的泳衣。

B: I cannot go swimming with you. I've just realized that I don't have my bathing suit with me. 我不能和你去游泳了。我刚发现我没带泳衣。

❼ 我游十圈才会感觉累。I can swim ten laps before I get tired.

同类表达 I will feel tired when I just swim five laps. 我只游五圈就会累。

❽ 游泳对我来说很难。Swimming is difficult for me.

同类表达 If you're so afraid of the water, you can't learn how to swim. 如果你这么害怕水,你不可能学会游泳的。

❾ 我喜欢这家旅馆的室内游泳池。I like the indoor swimming pool of this hotel.

对话 A: I like the indoor swimming pool of this hotel. 我喜欢这家旅馆的室内游泳池。

B: Same here. 我也是。

❿ 潜水被认为是既令人兴奋又让人愉快的活动。Diving is considered both thrilling and delightful.