流星 Shooting Stars

英语作文    发布时间:2023-09-04  

流星 Shooting Stars

When you look up at the sky on a dark night, you may see a shooting star . Actually , shooting stars consist of pieces of rock, metal and ice in outer space. Most pieces are as small as a grain of sand. The piece moves very fast into the atmosphere around the earth and begins to burn. So we can see it flashing across the sky because it is on fire . We call that burning piece a“meteor”. Usually, the meteor burns up before it hits the ground or water on the earth. If it hits the earth, it is called a“meteorite ”.

New Words and Expressions(生词和短语)

-actually ['æktʃuəli ] adv. 事实上

-metal ['metl ] n. 金属

-flash [flæʃ ] vi. 闪光,闪现

-meteor ['mi:tiə(r) ] n. 流星

-meteorite ['mi:tiəraɪt ] n. 陨星,陨石

look up at something 抬头看某物

shooting star 流星

consist of something 由某物组成

outer space 外太空

on fire 着火,燃烧

Sentence Patterns(句型练习)

1. Most pieces are as small as a grain of sand. 大多数碎片小如沙粒。

The little tiger is as small as a cat. 这只小老虎小得如同一只猫。

Tom is as tall as Sam. 汤姆和萨姆一样高。

2. We call that burning piece a“meteor”.


We call that strong man“Iron Ox”. 我们把那个壮实的男人称为“铁牛”。

We call that strong woman“Iron Lady”. 我们称那位坚强的女士为“铁娘子”。


