网上银行(Online Banking)是指通过互联网进行银行业务的一种便捷方式,客户可以在任何时间和地点使用网银进行转账、支付账单、查询交易记录等操作。
Online Banking - 网上银行
Internet Banking - 互联网银行
Account Balance - 账户余额
Fund Transfer - 资金转账
Bill Payment - 缴纳账单
Transaction History - 交易记录
Security Code - 安全码
Online Statement - 网上对账单
I use online banking to check my account balance and pay bills conveniently. 我使用网上银行方便地查看我的账户余额并支付账单。
Make sure to keep your online banking password secure and change it regularly. 确保保管好你的网上银行密码,并定期更改密码。
With internet banking, you can transfer funds between accounts with just a few clicks. 通过互联网银行,你可以轻松地在账户之间进行资金转账。
Online banking provides a convenient way to manage your finances without visiting a physical bank branch. 网上银行为你提供了一种方便管理财务的方式,无需去实体银行分支机构。
Online Banking / 网上银行
Online banking has become an integral part of modern banking services. It offers customers the convenience of managing their finances anytime and anywhere. With just a few clicks, one can check account balances, transfer funds, pay bills, and view transaction histories.
Security is a key aspect of online banking, with banks implementing various measures such as encryption and two-factor authentication to protect customers' information and transactions. Despite concerns about cybersecurity, the benefits of online banking in terms of convenience and efficiency continue to attract more users.
In conclusion, online banking has revolutionized the way we manage our finances, offering ease of access and a wide range of services at our fingertips. It has undoubtedly made banking more efficient and convenient for individuals and businesses alike.
❶ 网银让我们的生活便利很多。Online banking can make our life a lot easier.
对话 A: Online banking can make our life a lot easier. 网银让我们的生活便利很多。
B: Yes, I seldom go to the bank now. 是啊,我现在很少去银行。
❷ 我们用网银来买票吧。Let's buy the tickets through online bank.
对话 A: Let's buy the tickets through online bank. 我们用网银来买票吧。
B: Good idea. 好主意。
❸ 我刚刚开始使用网上银行。I just started using online banking.
对话 A: I just started using online banking. 我刚刚开始使用网上银行。
B: You are so out-dated. 你太老土了。
❹ 我想知道怎么开通网上银行?I want to know how to open an online banking account?
对话 A: I want to know how to open an online banking account? 我想知道怎么开通网上银行?
B: Fill out this form and go to the bank counter to open an account. 填一下这张表,然后去银行柜台办理。
❺ 网上支付让你可以足不出户支付账单。Online Payment enables you to pay your bills without leaving your house.
❻ 使用网银之前你要先安装插件。You need to install a plug-in before using E-banking.
对话 A: You need to install a plug-in before using E-banking. 使用网银之前你要先安装插件。
B: I see. 我知道了。
❼ 有办法担保交易吗?Is there any method to guarantee the transaction?
对话 A: Is there any method to guarantee the transaction? 有办法担保交易吗?
B: Every online bank uses the Internet security system available to protect your account. 每个网上银行都使用有效的网络安全系统来保护你的账户。
❽ 我不相信网上银行足够安全。I don't think online banking is secure enough.
同类表达 Is online banking safe? 网上银行安全吗?
❾ 如果没有网银盾,你就无法完成支付。You can't fulfill payment without your USB key.
❿ 网银帮助我理财。Online banking helps me manage my finances.