在英语国家,尤其是美国,人们通常不会使用“supermarket”这个词来描述我们通常意义上的超市。相反,他们使用“grocery store”或者直接使用超市的名称,如Walmart、Costco、Sams Club等。
在美国,人们更倾向于使用“grocery store”来描述提供各种食品和日用品的商店。这个词涵盖了从小型便利店到大型连锁超市的所有类型。
"I'm going to Walmart to buy some milk."
"Let's go to Costco for some bulk items."
购买食物和日用品的总称是“do grocery shopping”。例如:
"I need to do grocery shopping today."
“Go shopping”通常指购买衣服、鞋子等非食品和日用品。例如:
"We're going shopping for new clothes."
"You need to put groceries away."
当你只想快速买几样东西时,可以使用“pick up a few things”。例如:
"I just need to pick up a few things at the store."
在超市购物时,你可能会需要一个“shopping cart”来装载你的商品。例如:
"I'll get a shopping cart so we don't have to carry everything."
询问商品是否打折,可以使用“on sale”。例如:
"Is this on sale?"
询问是否在排队,可以使用“in line”。例如:
"Are you in line?"
购买肉类时,可以使用“ground beef”或“ground pork”来指代碎牛肉或碎猪肉。例如:
"I need some ground beef for tonight's dinner."
农产品区通常称为“produce section”。例如:
"The onions and tomatoes are in the produce section."
肉产品区称为“meat section”。例如:
"What do you need from the meat section?"
冷藏食品区称为“frozen-food case”。例如:
"I want to take some frozen dumplings from the frozen-food case."
结账处或收银台称为“checkout counter”。例如:
"Where is the checkout counter?"